The red climbing rose is variety 'Blaze'. The bush roses are a Carpet rose variety. The yellow small flower is Corydalis lutea (Zones 5-7). Pink and purple lupines also visible in this bed behind the roses. The white bush rose is a polyantha 'Little Pet'. Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Daniela Baloi
Wow, I asked you guys for relief from the snow, and you’re delivering! I just got this batch of ultra colorful photos from Daniela Baloi (past posts HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE), and they’re just the ticket on this yet again snowy day.
In front of the roses I always grow tulips. June 1, I took the bulbs out and planted the edge with annual torenia (purple blue clumps) and splits of Irish moss which I am trying to propagate for years. Only one clump of irish moss survived the part shade area but the torenia filled in the border by the end of the season.
She says, “Here are some bright flower combinations from my 2013 garden. Red roses and purple blooms are the dominant theme. The rose shrubs were larger and fuller this past season! I grow three different varieties of red roses in this bed, each in a different shape and shade of red. It is amazing to me that the reds do go well together. Happy accident!
The cherry red rose is Rosa Knock Out® (‘RADrazz’). The yellow is Rosa Sunny Knock Out®
“During the Hudson Home and Garden tour this past June, over 1000 visitors enjoyed the roses and the combinations of flowers shown here at their peak. The night before we had a very strong storm with hail threats! Fortunately there was no hail and the garden was almost intact.”
Climbing rose ‘Blaze’ with Clematis ‘Marie Louise Jensen’
Whew! Hail is one of my biggest fears for my garden. Everything looks so wonderful, Daniela!
Everybody who visits my garden sees my rose bed from the front. But my rose bed has a back as well, you know? And what a crazy mumbo- jumbo of plants I have behind the roses: deadnettle varieties, carpet sedums, silene, Corydalis lutea, lupines, delphiniums, Oriental lilies, and more.
I’ve been getting feedback that, while all the snow pics lately are nice, everyone’s feeling the need for more GREEN pics in the GPOD these days. I think we’re all getting a bit winter-weary…. so I need your help! Send in photos of your gardens from last summer! ([email protected]) Be sure to tell me a bit about yourself and your garden when you send in your pics. You’re much more likely to be featured if I have all that stuff at hand. Thanks, everyone!
The last picture was early June. This one is almost the same angle but is late July showing the Oriental ‘Stargazer’ lilies, Nicotiana and cleomes from the back of the roses all in full bloom.Did I mentioned that this is my best sunny raised bed in my whole entire garden? Yes it is! I was even able to grow poppies here this year (see foliage in front)Here is the one and lonely ‘Lauren’s Grape’ poppy that I grew in 2013. I spread the seeds all over this bed so we hope for a better picture in 2014.Another view from the back of the roses bed in early June. Every kind of sun loving ground cover you can think of is growing on this edge. Or maybe not every kind but here are a few: Lamium maculatum ‘Purple Dragon’, Sedum hispanicum minus ‘Purple Form’, golden lamium, woolly thyme, and Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’And here are a few more ground covers: Sedum ‘October Daphne’, Mazus reptans, Lamium maculatum ‘Checkers’, Sedum acre, Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’, Sedum sexangulare, Scotch moss, Lysmachia nummularia “Aurea”, Lotus corniculatus pleniflorus between the rocks.
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I'm thoroughly enjoying the many faces of your garden, Daniela. The bursts of color in today's post is simply energizing. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more.
nice surprise to see Daniela's garden here this morning. your garden always provides masses of color and a changing face. good to see you here, i've missed your comments and photos
Such refreshing color Daniela!,,,, It makes me even that much more anxious for spring! Love it all,, and LOVE, the Poppy!!! I hope you get more from sprinkling those seeds!! I MUST get some 'Lauren's Grape ' simply love that color!!
Your sedums etc. are great too,,,, quite a variety !!!
Thank you!!
Roses and hydrangeas are my favorite flowers so I truly enjoyed your garden this morning and you have given me some ideas such as how you
have the the clematis and the climber rose planted together. I also like how you have a back view of the roses, it like having two garden sites in one. Love your ground covers also
Daniela, I love the almost palpable exuberance of your garden ...and, your commentary! Fess up, do you ever take a minute to just be lazy in that hammock tucked away in the back of photo #1?
She didn't mention it in today's gpod sharing (I'll be so embarrassed if my eyes skimmed right over it if she did) but Daniela has a marvelous blog:
For all of us who love to see vibrant flowers in wonderful combinations, Daniela's blog is a visual treat. And, in addition to the wonderful photos, she's also a font of info... always giving the plant names of what she posts.
Oh how wonderful to see your pictures this morning, Daniela! Such delicate beauty! It is getting me more excited for spring around here. I really like the hammock in the back ground and will get one for our place this spring. But it seems like iam always working and not enough resting in the gardens. But I love it all anyways! Thanks so much for sending these to us!
I just went to your blog, Daneila and wow.. its great seeing more of what you are doing. I feel the coolness of the shade and the warm smell of all the flowers! Intoxicating to say the least! Do your children help you with the flowers and food gardens? The entrance to your home is wonderful, too! Thanks again! Have a great season ahead! Its exciting to see what comes up and how much more things bloome and grow! Spring is on its way!
Daniela, You never cease to amaze me in delivering fantastic
combinations of color and plant choices! Wonderful ideas to pass along. All so heart-lifting! Thank you!!
Thank you for the gorgeous color, while we are still buried under feet of snow. Those knockout roses really brighten things up. I have lupine envy. I have only grown them once and they did not come back for me. I must try again. Also, those purple poppies are to die for! I hope they multiply for you.
My very favorite color combinations!! The purple and red colors raise my spirit and boost my energy level. You pulled together a beautiful landscape design! The ground covers boast such gorgeous shades of green and add the finishing touch to your work. If my words are too flowery, well it is a gardening site :-). (I'm such a tease)
Your photos made me feel a bit closer to admirable feat for our still cold weather. Thanks Daniella
I have been "dream gardening" for a week or two now and your photographs have added dimension to my dreams.
I garden in Central Ohio and cannot grow Delphiniums for more than one year at a time, same for Lupines. Fighting my way through thick clay to give my poor plants a chance is a constant. Knockout roses are wonderfully tolerant, though. Well done. I must check out your blog, too.
Daniela, you didn't warn me to wear my dark glasses, what vibrant COLOR! The rose with clematis is a gorgeous combo, and I think I like your behind the scenes plantings best. Thank you yet again for another visit to your garden.
Well, when Michelle said that color was requested to counter the white of this long winter you certainly delivered Daniela... in spades! What an upbeat set of photos from your beautiful gardens, I can almost feel the warmth and smell the roses. It's going to be a lovely day. Thanks.
How lovely to start the morning with your beautiful roses Daniela! The original Knockout remains one of my favourites - its colour is amazing! I love the way you combine perennials and annuals with your roses into a mass of colours and shapes.
Good luck with the poppy. I used to have masses of them reseeding all over the place, but the last few years it has been a struggle. It might have been the weather - on the other hand it might be the bunnies, they are devouring more and more young plants that they never used to touch. Thanks for reminding me how lovely they are - I'll definitely try again this year.
Looking over your earlier posts - what did you decide to add for spring interest?
Thank you all for your very nice comments! I didn't see Michelle's warning last nigh that she will post my pictures today, so I was very surprised when I arrived here! Almost as surprised as you and it is my garden (:)
I also want to thank Michaele (meander1) for sharing my blog's address. She is my cheerleader as for all of you posting here on GPOD. She is my most dedicated follower and commentator for my blog. She is MY MUSE, and probably the reason I kept going in the beginnings of my blog when all I heard were the crickets!
I can't wait for spring! I am so restless that I picked-up Bird watching and picture taking as the winter hobby. But today is the day I will start some plants from seeds and give-up watching birds! My daughter who is 12 will help too! It is sunny and beautiful here in Ohio with record high temperature for this February of 44F.
GrannyMay- this past fall I followed your advice and inter-planted the inside border of the path with three kinds of narcissus : "Tete-a-tete", "Replete" and "Ice king" as well as a new white and blue blend of Grape hyacinth. Together with the existent Dwarf early irises, blue grape hyacinths and the snowdrops it should make for a nice white, yellow and blue early spring display.
In the outer border I added few groups of mixed color tulips and and the front of the rose bed got re-designed this fall with peach and red tulip varieties and daffodils.
Oh boy am I enjoying the color this week (especially after last night's snowfall)! It also seems to be the week for me to lament the plants I miss from my old yard: yesterday it was the night-blooming jasmine and today the "Blaze" rose. What a workhorse that rose is! I read last week that it was hardy to zone 4, so I may give it a try this year. Does anyone have experience with it in that zone?
Your roses really are a knockout!! Thank you for raising the spirits. We have had lots of rain, wind and dull grey skies on Vancouver Island. I love all the different reds and pinks with the touch of blue. I also like the brick building the colour compliments your plants.
wildthyme: Red Blaze is a very common climber, it's everywhere. I had a red Blaze rose where I lived last on Long Island, it did very well there but here in the northern Catskills the deer would eat every bloom like they were chocolate covered cherries. Blaze is a climber so doesn't easily lend itself to being fenced. My experience with roses is that they will survive well in 2 zones lower than rated... rose is in the same family as apple, so if crabapple grows in your zone so will roses. To be safe plant in a wind protected spot, and for winter prune to the ground and mulch heavily with organics. Blaze rose is relatively inexpensive, I were you I'd definitely give it a go. I have but one rose bush, left by the last owners, I've no idea what it is other than it's a deep pink/red floribunda and flowers profusely, it's behind the fence that surrounds my rear deck. I've posted its picture here a couple of times. Temperatures here regularly dive to -20F, even -30F and that rose doesn't appear to suffer. Wild rugosa rose does too well here, it's in all my hedge rows... I leave them alone as they're great refuge for small critters, cardinals nest in them.
Daniela you simply HAVE to send photos of your spring garden this year so we can see the how the added bulbs work out! I'd love to take credit for it, but it was your idea, and those of us who commented on it were simply agreeing with you. I'm betting it will look stunning!
Everything is so beautiful. Love the roses with all the purples. I had to check out your blog; terrific! I too want to see the new bulbs when they bloom. Your choices are so well thought out.
I know it's going to sound terribly repetitious but I loved all the color, especially the reds! I was reluctant to have several different reds in my gardens until a neighbor told me that in quilting the saying is that "reds clash well". That's all I needed to hear! Thanks for the day-brightener, Daniela.
Oh how I love clematis with roses! Beautiful color throughout your garden, Daniela. Are those tall yellow spikes in the rear of the top right photo eremurus? If so, how do you grow them? I've tried with no luck. Looking forward to seeing those spring bulbs too.
Tractor1, not sure what you mean by. "Blaze is a climber so doesn't easily lend itself to being fenced." At my old house I had Blaze trained on a split-rail fence with excellent results (that was Blaze in my profile picture yesterday), and at my current house I have another climber, "John Cabot," also trained on a split-rail fence (see today's profile picture). It's a lot of work to be sure, but well worth the effort with months of bloom.
Is everyone else getting a re-post of yesterday's GPOD too? Nice things are worth repeating! JaneEliz, I have had no success with Eremurus either, too bad, love the look of them.
Hey everyone! So sorry about the repeat post. Our IT people made some adjustments to the website yesterday, and I couldn't post a new garden last night. But we seem to be back to normal. We're going someplace warm tomorrow, so stay tuned!
GrannyMay, I'm seeing the same thing. Whenever that happens, I joke to my husband that the cyber-space gods must be cutting me off because I'm too wordy! But, Daniela's pictures are so inspiring, they are always worth a second look.
wildthyme: Had you read my post more carefully you'd realize I meant "fenced" as in *enclosed* by a fence to protect it from being eaten by critters, not climbing on a fence. I think I made my intent crystal clear by saying how unless fenced the deer would eat every bloom like they were bonbons, and further explained how my one rose bush is inside a small fenced area... before I erected that fence all I ever had was a thorny shrub, the deer ate the buds before they'd open. I'm sure you can safely plant roses in Montana, safe from winter cold, not safe from critters (have you no deer in Montana?). My property is too big to deer fence it all nor would I want to, I like having the deer and other critters here... I don't understand folks who move to a rural area and deer fence their property, then they really ought to live urban. I only fence individual plants until they grow enough that they are out of reach, and I fence my vegetable garden and my foundation plantings... I'd not consider fencing my entire property or even large expanses. I know that were I to fence an individual climbing rose it would shortly entwine the fence, the deer would still eat the flowers that poked through. Yesterday morning while having my coffee and watching birds feed on my deck I heard a loud crash, there was a red tailed hawk that met my glass sliders with a mourning dove in its talons, regained its composure and hauled ass to the woods with its breakfast... first time that happened, nature, a NatGeo moment... I was upset for the day thinking I caused that by feeding the birds but than realized that happens everywhere all the time with people who feed birds, even if they don't feed birds. Happened too fast to grab my camera.
Yeah, I too noticed that there is no contribution today, maybe later, maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday... eventually. Meanwhile I went into town to have my noggin mowed (bootcamp style), I'm ready for warm weather.
Beautiful scenery and excellent plat choices. That's really an inspiring location for your backyard. Check out some of my firm's designs here
OK, now I see what you're trying to say. We do have plenty of deer (AKA Montana mice), but we've not been particularly troubled by them here. Our yard is fenced for the dogs, but it's a split-rail that the deer could easily jump. Maybe it's just enough to keep them from coming in and "sampling?" Roses do very well here, although we're better off sticking to "own root" varieties, since they can freeze back to the root stock in particularly cold winters. I love the climbers; they are a lot of work, but well worth the effort!
Hi, wildthyme! I think I have found my closest "zone partner" in you! I live in SW North Dakota or "the banana belt for our state," and I have/had some luck with Blaze...I say some luck, as it made it 2 years on the eastside of my house planted near the foundation. I just don't get enough sun for them with all my trees and bushes. I can't tell you how many rose bushes I have tried in 19 years (I worked at a garden center for 5 summers - and would experiment with different variteties with little luck.) My husband and I visited your area of MT about 17 years ago. I still have a good friend in Missoula that drove us around the area for a couple weeks. After that visit, I wanted to live there! But, jobs and family kept us in ND. You have a great place in Corvallis, MT! "A River Runs Through It" pops in my mind. Linda
Tractor1 - I like your style! You have the same attitude as my father and Aunt Martha when it comes to wildlife and gardening! We never fenced off a yard from wildlife, we would protect individual prize ones however, but we also learned to plant one for us and one for the deer, rabbits, etc. I still do that to this day! One row of lettuce for me and one for the rabbits! I just had a hawk do the same to a sparrow a week ago while I watched out my bedroom window! A bit disturbing to see it happen, but they have to survive this winter as well.
Posting late, so the northern rose lovers may not see this... Lillian Gibson is a pink climber said to be hardy to zone 3. She's a heritage rose with 1 bloom time, but tough and easy to grow.
Posting late, so the northern rose lovers may not see this... Lillian Gibson is a pink climber said to be hardy to zone 3. She's a heritage rose with 1 bloom time, but tough and easy to grow.
JaneEliz: The yellow tall flowers you see in the background are from Ligularia "The Rocket". It is a very nice July bloomer for Shade to Part Shade for zones 4-8. It doesn't like afternoon sun so after a couple of moves, I finnaly found the perfect spot for it where the clump size increased and I was able to divide it in 2013
I'm thoroughly enjoying the many faces of your garden, Daniela. The bursts of color in today's post is simply energizing. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more.
nice surprise to see Daniela's garden here this morning. your garden always provides masses of color and a changing face. good to see you here, i've missed your comments and photos
Such refreshing color Daniela!,,,, It makes me even that much more anxious for spring! Love it all,, and LOVE, the Poppy!!! I hope you get more from sprinkling those seeds!! I MUST get some 'Lauren's Grape ' simply love that color!!
Your sedums etc. are great too,,,, quite a variety !!!
Thank you!!
Energizing IS a great word for this post. Love it; Love the setting; just beautiful!
Roses and hydrangeas are my favorite flowers so I truly enjoyed your garden this morning and you have given me some ideas such as how you
have the the clematis and the climber rose planted together. I also like how you have a back view of the roses, it like having two garden sites in one. Love your ground covers also
Daniela, I love the almost palpable exuberance of your garden ...and, your commentary! Fess up, do you ever take a minute to just be lazy in that hammock tucked away in the back of photo #1?
She didn't mention it in today's gpod sharing (I'll be so embarrassed if my eyes skimmed right over it if she did) but Daniela has a marvelous blog:
For all of us who love to see vibrant flowers in wonderful combinations, Daniela's blog is a visual treat. And, in addition to the wonderful photos, she's also a font of info... always giving the plant names of what she posts.
Oh how wonderful to see your pictures this morning, Daniela! Such delicate beauty! It is getting me more excited for spring around here. I really like the hammock in the back ground and will get one for our place this spring. But it seems like iam always working and not enough resting in the gardens. But I love it all anyways! Thanks so much for sending these to us!
I just went to your blog, Daneila and wow.. its great seeing more of what you are doing. I feel the coolness of the shade and the warm smell of all the flowers! Intoxicating to say the least! Do your children help you with the flowers and food gardens? The entrance to your home is wonderful, too! Thanks again! Have a great season ahead! Its exciting to see what comes up and how much more things bloome and grow! Spring is on its way!
Daniela, You never cease to amaze me in delivering fantastic
combinations of color and plant choices! Wonderful ideas to pass along. All so heart-lifting! Thank you!!
What a riot of colors! Just wonderful!! And thank you for putting names to the plantings. I'm going to have to check out your blog
Thank you for the gorgeous color, while we are still buried under feet of snow. Those knockout roses really brighten things up. I have lupine envy. I have only grown them once and they did not come back for me. I must try again. Also, those purple poppies are to die for! I hope they multiply for you.
My very favorite color combinations!! The purple and red colors raise my spirit and boost my energy level. You pulled together a beautiful landscape design! The ground covers boast such gorgeous shades of green and add the finishing touch to your work. If my words are too flowery, well it is a gardening site :-). (I'm such a tease)
Your photos made me feel a bit closer to admirable feat for our still cold weather. Thanks Daniella
I have been "dream gardening" for a week or two now and your photographs have added dimension to my dreams.
I garden in Central Ohio and cannot grow Delphiniums for more than one year at a time, same for Lupines. Fighting my way through thick clay to give my poor plants a chance is a constant. Knockout roses are wonderfully tolerant, though. Well done. I must check out your blog, too.
Many thanks.
Daniela, you didn't warn me to wear my dark glasses, what vibrant COLOR! The rose with clematis is a gorgeous combo, and I think I like your behind the scenes plantings best. Thank you yet again for another visit to your garden.
Well, when Michelle said that color was requested to counter the white of this long winter you certainly delivered Daniela... in spades! What an upbeat set of photos from your beautiful gardens, I can almost feel the warmth and smell the roses. It's going to be a lovely day. Thanks.
How lovely to start the morning with your beautiful roses Daniela! The original Knockout remains one of my favourites - its colour is amazing! I love the way you combine perennials and annuals with your roses into a mass of colours and shapes.
Good luck with the poppy. I used to have masses of them reseeding all over the place, but the last few years it has been a struggle. It might have been the weather - on the other hand it might be the bunnies, they are devouring more and more young plants that they never used to touch. Thanks for reminding me how lovely they are - I'll definitely try again this year.
Looking over your earlier posts - what did you decide to add for spring interest?
Thank you all for your very nice comments! I didn't see Michelle's warning last nigh that she will post my pictures today, so I was very surprised when I arrived here! Almost as surprised as you and it is my garden (:)
I also want to thank Michaele (meander1) for sharing my blog's address. She is my cheerleader as for all of you posting here on GPOD. She is my most dedicated follower and commentator for my blog. She is MY MUSE, and probably the reason I kept going in the beginnings of my blog when all I heard were the crickets!
I can't wait for spring! I am so restless that I picked-up Bird watching and picture taking as the winter hobby. But today is the day I will start some plants from seeds and give-up watching birds! My daughter who is 12 will help too! It is sunny and beautiful here in Ohio with record high temperature for this February of 44F.
GrannyMay- this past fall I followed your advice and inter-planted the inside border of the path with three kinds of narcissus : "Tete-a-tete", "Replete" and "Ice king" as well as a new white and blue blend of Grape hyacinth. Together with the existent Dwarf early irises, blue grape hyacinths and the snowdrops it should make for a nice white, yellow and blue early spring display.
In the outer border I added few groups of mixed color tulips and and the front of the rose bed got re-designed this fall with peach and red tulip varieties and daffodils.
Oh boy am I enjoying the color this week (especially after last night's snowfall)! It also seems to be the week for me to lament the plants I miss from my old yard: yesterday it was the night-blooming jasmine and today the "Blaze" rose. What a workhorse that rose is! I read last week that it was hardy to zone 4, so I may give it a try this year. Does anyone have experience with it in that zone?
Your roses really are a knockout!! Thank you for raising the spirits. We have had lots of rain, wind and dull grey skies on Vancouver Island. I love all the different reds and pinks with the touch of blue. I also like the brick building the colour compliments your plants.
wildthyme: Red Blaze is a very common climber, it's everywhere. I had a red Blaze rose where I lived last on Long Island, it did very well there but here in the northern Catskills the deer would eat every bloom like they were chocolate covered cherries. Blaze is a climber so doesn't easily lend itself to being fenced. My experience with roses is that they will survive well in 2 zones lower than rated... rose is in the same family as apple, so if crabapple grows in your zone so will roses. To be safe plant in a wind protected spot, and for winter prune to the ground and mulch heavily with organics. Blaze rose is relatively inexpensive, I were you I'd definitely give it a go. I have but one rose bush, left by the last owners, I've no idea what it is other than it's a deep pink/red floribunda and flowers profusely, it's behind the fence that surrounds my rear deck. I've posted its picture here a couple of times. Temperatures here regularly dive to -20F, even -30F and that rose doesn't appear to suffer. Wild rugosa rose does too well here, it's in all my hedge rows... I leave them alone as they're great refuge for small critters, cardinals nest in them.
Daniela you simply HAVE to send photos of your spring garden this year so we can see the how the added bulbs work out! I'd love to take credit for it, but it was your idea, and those of us who commented on it were simply agreeing with you. I'm betting it will look stunning!
Everything is so beautiful. Love the roses with all the purples. I had to check out your blog; terrific! I too want to see the new bulbs when they bloom. Your choices are so well thought out.
I know it's going to sound terribly repetitious but I loved all the color, especially the reds! I was reluctant to have several different reds in my gardens until a neighbor told me that in quilting the saying is that "reds clash well". That's all I needed to hear! Thanks for the day-brightener, Daniela.
Oh how I love clematis with roses! Beautiful color throughout your garden, Daniela. Are those tall yellow spikes in the rear of the top right photo eremurus? If so, how do you grow them? I've tried with no luck. Looking forward to seeing those spring bulbs too.
Tractor1, not sure what you mean by. "Blaze is a climber so doesn't easily lend itself to being fenced." At my old house I had Blaze trained on a split-rail fence with excellent results (that was Blaze in my profile picture yesterday), and at my current house I have another climber, "John Cabot," also trained on a split-rail fence (see today's profile picture). It's a lot of work to be sure, but well worth the effort with months of bloom.
Is everyone else getting a re-post of yesterday's GPOD too? Nice things are worth repeating! JaneEliz, I have had no success with Eremurus either, too bad, love the look of them.
Hey everyone! So sorry about the repeat post. Our IT people made some adjustments to the website yesterday, and I couldn't post a new garden last night. But we seem to be back to normal. We're going someplace warm tomorrow, so stay tuned!
GrannyMay, I'm seeing the same thing. Whenever that happens, I joke to my husband that the cyber-space gods must be cutting me off because I'm too wordy! But, Daniela's pictures are so inspiring, they are always worth a second look.
wildthyme: Had you read my post more carefully you'd realize I meant "fenced" as in *enclosed* by a fence to protect it from being eaten by critters, not climbing on a fence. I think I made my intent crystal clear by saying how unless fenced the deer would eat every bloom like they were bonbons, and further explained how my one rose bush is inside a small fenced area... before I erected that fence all I ever had was a thorny shrub, the deer ate the buds before they'd open. I'm sure you can safely plant roses in Montana, safe from winter cold, not safe from critters (have you no deer in Montana?). My property is too big to deer fence it all nor would I want to, I like having the deer and other critters here... I don't understand folks who move to a rural area and deer fence their property, then they really ought to live urban. I only fence individual plants until they grow enough that they are out of reach, and I fence my vegetable garden and my foundation plantings... I'd not consider fencing my entire property or even large expanses. I know that were I to fence an individual climbing rose it would shortly entwine the fence, the deer would still eat the flowers that poked through. Yesterday morning while having my coffee and watching birds feed on my deck I heard a loud crash, there was a red tailed hawk that met my glass sliders with a mourning dove in its talons, regained its composure and hauled ass to the woods with its breakfast... first time that happened, nature, a NatGeo moment... I was upset for the day thinking I caused that by feeding the birds but than realized that happens everywhere all the time with people who feed birds, even if they don't feed birds. Happened too fast to grab my camera.
Yeah, I too noticed that there is no contribution today, maybe later, maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday... eventually. Meanwhile I went into town to have my noggin mowed (bootcamp style), I'm ready for warm weather.
Beautiful scenery and excellent plat choices. That's really an inspiring location for your backyard. Check out some of my firm's designs here
OK, now I see what you're trying to say. We do have plenty of deer (AKA Montana mice), but we've not been particularly troubled by them here. Our yard is fenced for the dogs, but it's a split-rail that the deer could easily jump. Maybe it's just enough to keep them from coming in and "sampling?" Roses do very well here, although we're better off sticking to "own root" varieties, since they can freeze back to the root stock in particularly cold winters. I love the climbers; they are a lot of work, but well worth the effort!
Hi, wildthyme! I think I have found my closest "zone partner" in you! I live in SW North Dakota or "the banana belt for our state," and I have/had some luck with Blaze...I say some luck, as it made it 2 years on the eastside of my house planted near the foundation. I just don't get enough sun for them with all my trees and bushes. I can't tell you how many rose bushes I have tried in 19 years (I worked at a garden center for 5 summers - and would experiment with different variteties with little luck.) My husband and I visited your area of MT about 17 years ago. I still have a good friend in Missoula that drove us around the area for a couple weeks. After that visit, I wanted to live there! But, jobs and family kept us in ND. You have a great place in Corvallis, MT! "A River Runs Through It" pops in my mind. Linda
Tractor1 - I like your style! You have the same attitude as my father and Aunt Martha when it comes to wildlife and gardening! We never fenced off a yard from wildlife, we would protect individual prize ones however, but we also learned to plant one for us and one for the deer, rabbits, etc. I still do that to this day! One row of lettuce for me and one for the rabbits! I just had a hawk do the same to a sparrow a week ago while I watched out my bedroom window! A bit disturbing to see it happen, but they have to survive this winter as well.
Posting late, so the northern rose lovers may not see this... Lillian Gibson is a pink climber said to be hardy to zone 3. She's a heritage rose with 1 bloom time, but tough and easy to grow.
Posting late, so the northern rose lovers may not see this... Lillian Gibson is a pink climber said to be hardy to zone 3. She's a heritage rose with 1 bloom time, but tough and easy to grow.
JaneEliz: The yellow tall flowers you see in the background are from Ligularia "The Rocket". It is a very nice July bloomer for Shade to Part Shade for zones 4-8. It doesn't like afternoon sun so after a couple of moves, I finnaly found the perfect spot for it where the clump size increased and I was able to divide it in 2013
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