The Dirt

Chart: Garden Phlox That Don’t Disappoint

Full chart of results from the Phlox Trial from Fine Gardening Issue #158

To view the chart of the full results from the phlox trial in “Garden Phlox That Don’t Disappoint” from Fine Gardening #158, download the PDF here.

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  1. gladyswray 07/17/2014

    Josiah . although Jacqueline `s stori is surprising,
    last week I bought themselves a Chrysler from having made $5060 thiss month
    and-in excess of, 10/k last-month . it's realy the easiest-work I have ever done
    . I started this 4 months ago and pretty much straight away was bringin in at
    least $78 per-hour . why not look here C­a­s­h­f­i­g­.­C­O­M­

  2. sumhillgardener 07/04/2017

    The only phlox I have grown which truly does not get mildew is Shortwood ! Fabulous and long flowering. I cut it back in early June for smaller, more abundant flowers and height control.

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