Chapter 8: New Frontiers: Microbials, Pheromones, and Insect Growth Regulators
Batra, S.W.T. 1981. “Biological Control of Weeds, Principles and Prospects” in Biological Control in Crop Production, ed. G.C. Papavizas, pp. 45-60. Totowa, N.J.: Allanheld Osman Publishers. 461 pp. A short but comprehensive review article in an important book.
Bowers, W.S. 1976. “Hormone Mimics” in The Future for Insecticides: Needs and Prospects, eds. R.L. Metcalf and J. J. McKelvey Jr., pp. 421-444. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 524 pp. A short introduction to insect growth inhibitors. The book has many other papers on various aspects of pesticides, with a focus on designing new, less-toxic materials.
Burgess, H.D., ed. 1981. Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases, 1970-1980. New York: Academic Press. 949 pp. A comprehensive review of research on microbials for use against insect pests, as well as an authoritative source of information and an essential reference tool for those interested in the field.
Daar, S. 1985. Microbial control for grasshoppers. The IPM Practitioner 7(9):1-6. This article reviews the use of Nosema locustae by the National Park Service. It provides background information on the pathogen and its effectiveness and points out how this potentially useful grasshopper control agent has been neglected by the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the USDA’s agency responsible for grasshopper control.
Daar, S. 1987. New federal IPM program for grasshoppers. The IPM Practitioner 9(4):1-3. A description of a five-year demonstration IPM program, along with a summary of other developments since the earlier article (see previous listing).
Grossman, J. 1989. Biological control of weeds: What’s happening, what’s needed? Parts 1 and 2. The IPM Practitioner 9(6/7):1-11 and 9(8):1-8. These review articles update information on past and current biological control importation projects against various agricultural weeds. They also cover newly developed mycoherbicides and the regulation of organisms used to control weeds.
Hummel, H.E., and T.A. Miller, eds. 1984. Techniques in Pheromone Research. New York: Springer-Verlag. 64 pp. This technique-oriented book gives an idea of what is involved in working with pheromones in the laboratory and in the field.
Kaya, H.K. 1987. “Diseases Caused by Nematodes” in Epizootiology of Insect Diseases, eds. J.R. Fuza and Y. Tanada, pp. 454-470. New York: John Wiley and Sons. This paper reviews the more important nematode groups, their life cycles and their host interactions.
Kurstak, E., ed. 1982. Microbial and Viral Pesticides. New York: Marcel Dekker. 720 pp. An excellent source book that provides entry into the theoretical and applied aspects of insect pathology.
Liebman, J. 1989. IPM and the genetic engineering of plants. The IPM Practitioner 11(10):4-7.
Lipa, J.J. 1990. Microbial pest control in Eastern Europe. The IPM Practitioner 12(2):1-5. This article reports that microbial control in Eastern Europe is well developed, and documents developments with BT, Beauveria bassiana, nematodes, various antibiotics, Trichoderma spp., and various viruses.
Martignoni, M.E. 1981. “A Catalogue of Viral Diseases of Insects, Mites and Ticks” in Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases, 1970-1980, ed. H.C. Burgess, Appendix 2, pp. 897-911. New York: Academic Press. 949 pp. This catalog summarizes information from 3,400 publications and lists 826 host species, each reported to have one or more of 22 viral diseases or disease groups for a total of 1,271 host-virus records.
National Academy of Sciences Board on Science and Technology, National Research Council. 1979. “Microbial Insect Control Agents” in Microbial Processes: Promising Technologies for Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. 199 pp. An excellent introduction that provides the good overview more technical sources often lack.
Nordlund, D.A., R.L. Jones, and W.J. Lewis, eds. 1981. Semiochemicals: Their Role in Pest Control. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 306 pp. This book explains what semiochemicals are and reviews the research on their development and use.
Olkowski, W. 1988. Great expectations for non-toxic pheromones. The IPM Practitioner 10(6/7):1-9. This article reviews early developments in pheromone synthesis and the literature to date concerning field studies on pheromones as trap components and mating disruptants. It speculates about the future of pheromones, and describes the need for changes in the USEPA registration process for them.
Papavizas, G.C. 1981. Biological Control in Crop Production. Totowa, N.J.: Allanheld Osman Publishers. 461 pp. This book, the result of a 1980 symposium, contains many important papers about the use of microorganisms and other natural enemies of insects and weeds.
Poinar, G.O., Jr. 1979. Nematodes for Biological Control of Insects. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. 277 pp. This is the first comprehensive volume on the use of nematodes for insect control.
Poinar, G.O., Jr. 1983. The Natural History of Nematodes. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 323 pp.The best overall introduction to nematodes currently available.
Poinar, G.O., Jr. 1986. “Entomophagous nematodes” in Biological Plant and Health Protection (Fortschrifte der Zoologie, Bd. 32), ed. H. Franz, pp. 95-121. New York: G. Fischer Verlag. This article updates information in Poinar, 1979, with an emphasis on species in the genera Neoaplectana (=Steinernema), Heterorhabditis and others that have proven successful as control agents for insect pests.
Quraishi, M.S. 1977. Biochemical Insect Control. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 280 pp. An introduction to pyrethroids, botanicals, attractants, pheromones, hormones, and microbial insecticides.
Rice, E.L. 1983. Pest control With Nature’s Chemicals: Allelochemics and Pheromones in Gardening and Agriculture. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press. 224 pp. A well-referenced history of research on allelochemics and their use in gardens and agriculture.
Ridgway, R.L., ed. 1990. Behavior-Modifying Chemicals for Insect Management: Applications of Pheromones and Other Attractants. New York: Marcel Dekker. 761 pp. This is the most up-to-date volume on pheromones. It covers their research and development and dispenser designs, and includes practical case studies.
Schroth, M.N., and J.G. Hancock. 1981. Selected topics in biological control. Annual Review of Microbiology 35:453-76. A short review of the use of microbes for weed control and as parasites of other pathogens.
Weinzierl, R., and T. Henn. 1989. Microbial Insecticides. Urbana-Champaign: Office of Agricultural Entomology, University of Illinois (Circular 1295). 12 pp. An excellent discussion, written for the layperson, of commercially available microbials, their impact on pests and how to use them.
Zoecon Professional Pest Management Division. 1985. “Proceedings of the First Insect Growth Regulator Symposium”, 24 July 1985, Dallas. Dallas, Tex.: Zoecon Corporation. 88 pp. This publication documents the history of the development of IGRs and presents the results of field work with IGRs against cat fleas and cockroaches. It also covers other aspects of cockroach management.
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