Todays photos are from Catherine Jamieson in Arlington, Virginia. She says, “I’ve lived here for 36 years and had a wonderful gardening mentor who lived next door in the early years. She helped me plan for the long term and I’ve been at it ever since.
The gardens have been through all sorts of transformations and I plan to continue to grow with the gardens. I’m a retired psychologist who got involved with the National Garden Clubs in retirement. My formal landscape and gardening training have been through their programs and last year I qualified as a Landscape and Gardening Consultant.
I definitely think about my gardens in “rooms” or sections and they each have a different feel for me. I write a blog every now and again about landscaping with dogs because I think people imagine that you can’t have both dogs and a “nice” garden. Our two big Labs share the space successfully and freely.
I’ve been playing with mirrors a great deal and am enjoying the reflective aspects throughout the garden. I also like to play with sculpture and whimsey and there have been plenty of times when I’ve gone way overboard. I often need an editor. As they say, I live in the garden and just sleep in the house.”
Beautiful, Catherine! I’m especially in love with your metal edging barriers–they’re all so pretty!
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Gorgeous Catherine! So many interesting trees and shrubs. I especially love the weeping blue atlas cedar.
Talk about having your cake and eating it too =).
I have to confess, Catherine, I am completely captivated by how your weeping 'Blue Atlas' cedar almost seems to be a giant water bird as it reaches out towards your stone heron...a beautiful mirroring of elements. And speaking of mirrors, your use of them in the garden makes for some fun and unexpected views...ha, although, come to think of it, I'm not sure I'd want to catch sight of myself when I'm in worker mode....which is almost always. That's why I loved and so identified with your last sentence!
my kind of garden,,,,,,,my kind of plants / i would live there as well. i loved everything about your garden
What a stimulating garden - eye candy everywhere. I love the tremendous mix of plants. This is a great space - I'm surprised you don't sleep out there as well.
Everything in this garden is so beautiful and I simply love the fences; they're striking.
Beautiful pool setting! Its all so great! Year round interest for sure, Catherine. They say that gardening is therapy. We all need a little or a lot of that! Job well done! Yes, we all live in our gardens and go in the house to sleep! Thanks for sharing with us! Happy gardening!
Wonderful. After the great garden, I am struck by the cool, custom metal fence. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely!!! I can see all the joy!!
Hi Catherine,
I belong to a federated garden club in Maryland. So nice to get to know other gardeners. I love your mature garden with the conifers and Japanese maples. I especially like the stone walls before the fish pond. I agree with Michelle that your iron fences are lovely and really enhance your garden. Tell us more about your labs. Do they have their own spot of shade and area to dig?
Catherine I love the beautiful fence "reminders" placed strategically here and there. Yes, dogs will respect boundaries once they have been taught to do so. Also love the side fence with the stone steps and the clematis, the east side evergreen allee, the glimpses of reflection, the weeping cedar over the pond, and in my favourite photo, the jungle look of the cryptomeria, viburnum and pine! My dog and I would by happy to live in your garden too!
I love your gardens Catherine. They are not only beautiful, they have a peace about them... and each of your fences are works of art. You obviously know some very talented artisans.
Your gardens are so lush and full. I loved seeing all the different textures and shades of green. Your plantings flow so well and certainly show your skill at design. The metal fence barriers and the lovely stone edging adds beautiful detail. You are a true garden artist!
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