Garden Photo of the Day

Bonnie’s garden in Pennsylvania in Winter

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Bonnie Pancoast

Today’s photos are from Bonnie Pancoast in easterm Pennsylvania, who we’ve visited before, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Bonnie Pancoast

Today she says, “When I began my garden journey many decades ago I learned gardens were more than flowers and edible plants. Living at a latitude where gardens could be void of color and apparent life for more than four months a year I purposefully set out to create a space where I could witness the beauty of the changing seasons.

“After a recent snowfall a walk through the gardens was rejuvenating. The lower garden revealed patterns in the snow created by the granite blocks of the labyrinth and the holly, cedars, junipers and euonymus punctuated the snow with various shades of green.”

Beautiful, Bonnie! I love the bumps of the stones in the labyrinth, and your sculptures are particularly nice in the snow. Thanks for sharing!

—-Winter is the perfect time to take a photographic stroll through the photos you took in your garden this year……and then send some in to me at [email protected]!

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View 17 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 02/12/2014

    There's nothing more beautiful than the contrast of winter white. I'm really loving those stacked colorful terra cotta pots in the last photo Bonnie. Thanks for sharing the sights of your winter garden stroll with us.

  2. thaliapatterson 02/12/2014

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of your winter garden!

  3. flowerladydi 02/12/2014

    lovely Bonnie,,,, love the scene with the cedars and shed,,,and the flower bell with the snow building inside,,,, winter is beautiful,,,, and we are fortunate to have the seasons to truly appreciate!
    Your pots are charming! Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/12/2014

    Well, Bonnie, I was expecting to wake up to a winter wonderland according to my last night's weather forecast but, so far, nothing...then, I came to GPOD! Your photos give me all the magical snow scenes I could want. I love how your garden cherub looks as if she has a armful of snow and is clasping it to her heart. She's here a few days early... since Friday is Valentines Day.
    Your cottage with its snow laden roof nestled serenely amongst the evergreens is the very definition of picturesque.

  5. bee1nine 02/12/2014

    Wonderfully captured photos once again, Bonnie!

    This time, the fine affects and crispness of wintertime ambiance that beautifully covers your garden.
    Nice surprise to see your winter heath(Erica) peeking through
    and blooming! ;)

  6. tractor1 02/12/2014

    This is precisely why I'm always harping on folks in the north country to plant conifers amongst their flower beds.

  7. rwotzak 02/12/2014

    That shed looks so cozy and inviting on a snowy day.

  8. sheila_schultz 02/12/2014

    Bonnie, your winter photos are lovely... but I keep going back, and back and back to your beautiful shed. It is soooo inviting.

  9. MichelleGervais 02/12/2014

    Bonnie, I forgot to post a link to your blog! Here it is, everyone:

  10. pattyspencer 02/12/2014

    Nice pictures of how pretty winter and snow can be

  11. quinquek 02/12/2014

    It's a nice reminder to see the beauty in the winter season (as much as I'm impatient for Spring!) Lovely walk through your garden!

  12. GrannyMay 02/12/2014

    Thank you Bonnie for sharing these beautiful snowy moments in your lovely garden! Snow puts an extra blanket of tranquility over everything - I can imagine following your labyrinth path, now gently guided by snowy bumps, to a peaceful white centre. The idea of labyrinths is fascinating to me and I love the look of them. Do you use yours for meditation?

  13. HaughtND 02/12/2014

    Gorgeous! I love all the garden art and your shed and trees are stunning. My husband grew up in northwestern PA and really misses the trees and rolling hills. I will show him your photos tonight.

  14. wGardens 02/12/2014

    I, too, am loving that winter scene with your shed! Beautiful!

  15. annek 02/13/2014

    Bonnie, your photos are so sculptural and artistic. Thanks for the views into your winter wonderland

  16. CJgardens 02/13/2014

    Your garden is beautiful year round. Your shed is so quaint.
    I visited your blog and WOW your photography is awesome!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Carol Jean

  17. cwheat000 02/13/2014

    Just beautiful, Bonnie! Sorry I missed your day.

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