Garden Photo of the Day

Beautiful bark

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

We rely on pines (Pinus spp. and cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 3-10) for their beautiful evergreen presence in winter, but lacebark pine (Pinus bungeana, Zones 4-7) also has stunning bark to kick it up a notch. Lacebark pine is native to China and prefers well-drained soil in full sun. It grows up to 50 feet tall and 20 feet wide. This photo was taken at the Denver Botanic Gardens in Colorado.

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  1. southernsoil 01/22/2010

    I have for a long time wanted to grow this pine. I am NC coastal zone 8. I love the camouflage on its trunk. My husband served our country for 30 plus years USMC retired. And I would love to gift him with this in our garden. There is only one way to find out if it will grow here and that is to trial it. Wish me luck.

  2. GreencastleGardener 01/22/2010

    I love this connifer, but haven't planted it because I read on the University of Conniticut site,, that it takes 10-15 years for the bark to have the desired look! I'd love to read feedback that it really doesn't take that long.

  3. forestfairy888 01/25/2010

    Just thought I would suggest an alternative to this conifer for those looking for this camouflage effect on the bark. The Magnolia X soulangiana, which on average, grows 10 to 15 feet in just 10 years. They generate beautiful pink or purple flowers and grow 20 to 30 feet high and just as wide. There are also Dogwoods you could consider.

  4. BombasticTurtle 03/11/2012

    When fall finally succumbs to the harshness and the dullness of winter, peeling barks like these offer a sense of hope that spring will be back and is always around the corner!

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