Garden Photo of the Day

Are your plants superhydrophobic?

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

I think I could spend hours playing with water on lotus leaves. I’m too young to have memories of playing with drops of mercury, but I imagine the effect is similar, right? I went online to see what makes water and a lotus leaf interact in this way, and found that it’s been studied quite a bit. Apparently, a lotus leaf is superhydrophobic. Check out this Wikipedia article on the lotus effect. Fascinating, if a little dry. This article explains it a little more clearly, for us non-scientists. Want to experiment with the lotus effect, but don’t have any lotus plants nearby? Try your nasturtiums!

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View 4 comments


  1. arboretum 01/21/2011

    michelle, that is a lovely ethereal photo.
    one of your very best!
    th so much,

  2. gottagarden 01/21/2011

    I love the way raindrops bead on lady's mantle as well, quite similar.

  3. rwotzak 01/21/2011

    I love that photo! I'm sure I've seen it before.

    You say the Wikipedia article on the Lotus Effect is "a little dry"? That's funny. :)

  4. sheilaschultz 01/21/2011

    Fun photo, fun facts to end the week of great shots! Thanks...

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