Garden Photo of the Day

Angelys’s Garden

The flowers of a mild-climate garden

Today’s photos come from Angelys Nicolatos.

white oriental lilyA pure white Oriental lily (Lilium hybrid, Oriental group, Zones 4–9) blooming in a cloud of yellow cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus, annual). I love how the yellow-orange of the cosmos echoes the color of the pollen on the stamens on the lily.

pink hibiscusA ruffled pink hibiscus (Hibiscus rosasinensis, Zones 9–10) frames the view.

Koi in a pondKoi swim in the garden pond.

blanket flowerRed-and-yellow blanket flower (Gaillardia, Zones 3–9) echo the red trim around the windows. Gaillardia are perennials but can be short lived. They’ll last the longest if they are grown in full sun with good drainage.

MandevillaMandevilla (Zones 9–11) grows along a fence. Mandevilla are often grown as annuals in colder climates, but if you want to try, you can overwinter them in a sunny window, or force them to go dormant by keeping it very dry somewhere cool (like a basement). Or if you live somewhere warm, just enjoy their beautiful flowers! Among the mandevilla here is a cluster of blue flowers from a plumbago vine (Plumbago capensis, Zones 9–11).

Angel’s trumpetAngel’s trumpet (Brugmansia, Zones 8–11) dangles its fragrant flowers.

caladiumsA cluster of colorful caladiums grows at the base of a shrub. The leaves of caladiums are brighter than most flowers. They grow from bulbs that can be overwintered indoors if you live somewhere colder than Zone 9. But if you live somewhere with cool summers (such as the Pacific Northwest), these heat-loving plants just won’t thrive for you.


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  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/13/2020

    That Mandevilla is a great color. So pretty.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/13/2020

    Every time time I see such a happy swath of blanket flower, I wonder why I don't grow them. They are so colorful and eye catching. This particular group of them look extra snazzy because of how they echo the color in window trim.

  3. Maggieat11 03/13/2020

    Love your grouping of Caladiums, especially!
    Very 'cool' windows on your home! Makes for a great photo with the Gaillardia!

  4. cheryl_c 03/13/2020

    So many color echoes in your photos - did you plan them? Besides the ones mentioned above, the picture with the plumbago shows a lovely blue echo in the mandevilla leaves surrounding it, and the terra cota of the pot in the picture with the caladiums is the echo for the pink in the caladium leaves in front of it. Fun photos! Might you share with us where you garden?

  5. btucker9675 03/13/2020

    Your garden just looks so happy and makes me happy, too!

  6. User avater
    simplesue 03/13/2020

    Such a cheerful looking garden, glowing with flowers and beautiful fish, and love that garden statue with the pedestal!
    Super pretty!

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