Garden Photo of the Day

Ali’s mountainside garden in Iran, revisited

Photo/Illustration: Photo and video courtesy of Ali Mollanazar

Long-time GPOD readers right remember when we visited Ali Mollanazar’s garden in the mountains of Iran back in 2012 (refresh your memory HERE).

Today he’s back with a special treat! He’s compiled a huge number of photos of his garden and turned them into an animated slide show set to beautiful music and occasional commentary. Thanks so much, Ali. This was so nice. Ali would love to hear feedback, everyone!



**** Share your garden story…. Email me with photos and words at [email protected]. ****


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View 18 comments


  1. cbctplant 04/23/2014

    Ali Your extensive plant material is amazing. I don't imagine Iran as having a retail nursery every few miles as we do in the USA, so your plant collection of beautiful iris, roses, conifers, alpines, trees and shrubs, and tropicals is remarkable. Those mountain views are certainly special as well and I admire your terracing and slope gardening. This has been a special treat to see a beautiful garden in Iran. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. GardenGrl1 04/23/2014

    The slideshow was amazing! I think you are more than a bit humble, referring to yourself as an "Amateur Horticulturist". I do not believe there is anything amateur about your garden or set-up, especially that automatic irrigation system! Very expert and advanced gardening techniques! You have carved out your own piece of paradise! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. debjotay 04/23/2014

    I went back to your original post. I hope along with playing in the garden, you are writing. I was just as impressed with your words as with your garden. Thanks for making my morning tea time just a little more special.

  4. greengenes 04/23/2014

    What a wonderful treat for all of us today, Ali. Thankyou for sharing a portion of your life in the mountains. It is all so very beautiful. What a wonderful life to hand down to your grandchildren. May they enjoy it as much as you do. I so liked all the rock and chips you have from the mountain. Your roses are spectacular and look so nice against the white of the stone. The fruit is so tempting to pick and eat it right off the video! Iam very happy for you and your wife to have such a great place to retreat to. Enjoy this new year ahead! Thanks again!

  5. tractor1 04/23/2014

    A magnificent creation, Ali. Makes me think that with so much peaceful beauty one mere mortal can create from so little why is it so many strive only to create misery and strife from so much. Thank you, Ali, for the best half hour I've spent since I can't remember when.

  6. cwheat000 04/23/2014

    Ali, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful mountainside home. It is so interesting to see gardens in such different climates/locations. I have so many questions. Where do you get your plants?, What animals/pests do you have in the garden?,How much rainfall do you get and what are your minimum and maximum temperatures, Do any of your neighbors garden ( I see a large patch of green on an opposing hillside)? Are black spot and other fungi, problems for your roses and fruit trees ( by the way, what a wonderful collection!)?It is obvious you have a real passion for the natural world. Your views are spectacular. They inspire me.

  7. wittyone 04/23/2014

    Oh, my that was time well spent for me! Your garden is beautiful and amazing since the construction and planting of it must have been made more difficult as a result of the location and terrain.

    I enjoyed so much watching the video that you made. You have set a new high hurdle for anyone sending in pics of their own gardens.

    Thanks so much for sharing your part of the world with us.

  8. GrannyMay 04/23/2014

    Ali, your garden is amazing and beautiful! It is obviously a work of love and dedication. An enormous amount of work! It is difficult to imagine such a variety of plants not only surviving, but thriving in that rocky mountainous area. Your views are incredible! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  9. cwheat000 04/23/2014

    I just wanted to add, I very much enjoyed your music selections.

  10. grannieannie1 04/23/2014

    What an impressive amount of fruit growing in a difficult situation. You have proved no slope is impossible to plant! Here in flat, flat Delaware I'm envious of your wonderful view of mountains. And what a backdrop for the cascading roses over the wall. Yours is a unique garden and shows a lot of loving care.

  11. cwheat000 04/23/2014

    I just read your previous submission to GPOD. Thank you for your wonderful descriptions and words. They answered many of my questions.

  12. GrannyCC 04/23/2014

    Amazing garden and video. Thank you so much for sharing Ali. I can't believe the amount of wonderful fruit you have on those apple trees. Obviously you have done a lot of amendments to the soil as you are so high up in the mountains.

  13. GracePeterson 04/23/2014

    Thank you Ali for giving this American (with limited travel experience) a glimpse into the beauty of your country and your gardens. Absolutely stunning. Your slide show was a visual feast.

  14. mainer59 04/23/2014

    Absolutely magnificent! There's nothing amateur about your abilities. I love the diversity of fruits, berries, and vegetables along with dry gravel gardens as well as roses, irises, and other ornamentals. The garden design works so well with the outdoor living spaces and with the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains. I enjoyed the shots from behind the scenes, the gardening books that inspire you and the tools you use in your creation. What a multimedia production! Thank you for sharing your private retreat with the world.

  15. n2hostas 04/23/2014

    Beautiful. Enjoyed the music as much as the plants. Thank you for sharing your lovely garden.

  16. foxglove12 04/23/2014

    Glorious and serene! Loved the views, the gravel and rock pathways and the clever parking arbor. Thanks for sharing.

  17. satisfaction 04/23/2014

    This video was wonderful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gardens and landscaping. The mountain views and music were great too. I hope you take time to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Outstanding presentation!

  18. Meelianthus 04/23/2014

    Hello Ali ~ Your love of gardening and creating certainly shows with what looks like years and years of hard work. What a challenge to garden on a hillside and yet what a wonderful opportunity to create. I love all of your rocks and boulders and the mountain views are breath-taking, as are your roses.You have built a beautiful paradise. Thank you for sharing your gardening life - and a little bit of Iran.

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