Garden Photo of the Day

Alicia’s garden in Connecticut, revisited

This is our potting shed

The last time we visited Alicia Bacon it was December 2013 (refresh your memory HERE). A little over a year later, she's back to share what's going on in her garden now in the midst of winter! She says, "We had our first measurable snow On January 9th so I went out to take some pictures. When last we appeared, there was a lot of talk about our work on building up our "privacy wall" on the west side of our property. You can see that we are still working on that!" More info in the captions. Alicia, that shed is adorable. And you've motivated me to finally invst in some evergreens and a witch hazel this year. It's just so hard when you're standing among all the flowering stuff in the nursery in spring! Be sure to give us another update this spring, will you?

Speaking of Seattle, I think we're all set! For those of you attending the Northwest Flower & Garden Show next week, we'll meet in the lobby bar of the Sheraton right after my talk at 3:15 on Wednesday? Maybe 4:30? I'll be the one holding nametags and a pen….and please forgive me in advance. I am HORRIBLE with names….

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One of the two raised beds

An Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' in the new winter interest garden. We plan on expanding this garden in the spring.

One of the new beds on the west side.

Here you get a bigger picture of what we have been doing. We aren't finished – but I don't think gardeners ever are!
A 'Barmstedt Gold' witch hazel getting ready to bloom in February.

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  1. Nurserynotnordstroms 02/05/2015

    Alicia,it is wonderful you are retired,and obviously found your bliss. I looked at your last submissions in 2013 and you have a beautiful property and I LOVE you potting shed. Will you add a green house in the future,you have room I don't and I have to admit I am envious every time I see one(I know envy is sooooo bad)was that a vegitable garden from your previous pics.?I have no room for that either,we grew up with a large garden,nothing better than pulling a carrot,wipeing it clean on your pants and eating,oh and radishes oh yum. Ok sorry I was taking a trip down memory lane.It is looking like our winter will continue to be mild so I have enjoyed all of your snow pictures. Enjoy your winter vista,it's such a thing of beauty when fresh snow falls and everything is hushed.

  2. perenniallycrazy 02/05/2015

    Love the white and bright! I also am suffering from a serious case of potting shed envy right now.

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/05/2015

    Hi, Alicia, aren't you and your husband the wise ones for making a commitment to a winter interest garden area. Those colorful red berries on 'Red Sprite' certainly brighten the landscape and lift one's spirits. I'm sure the birds appreciate them as a food source and also make good use of the safe harbor all those new evergreens are providing. Gosh, that line-up of evergreens already look so good guys must have used some muscle to get them in place and planted! Do you have some specific plants in mind already when you talk about expanding the winter interest area? And is the fence behind the raised bed newish? It's very attractive.

  4. greengenes 02/05/2015

    Good morning! Alicia you have a wonderful piece of property. Nice slopes and openness to it. That is a great wall, too! There are quite a few different kinds of plants that love being up against a warm wall and a wall always seems to set off the plants! When I see a wall I always think of the movie.."The Secret Garden". Its one of my favorites and I like the really old version. To have a walled Anyway thanks for giving us some snow today! It always is so peaceful when it snows. Here we are expecting and its here this morning, torrential rain and for five days! Happy gardening!

  5. Srasgarden 02/05/2015

    Yes, we put the fence in as a backdrop for the perennial beds. No plan yet for the winter interest bed except that it will combine 2 existing beds. I also want to do a better job with the vegetable garden-- love those summer tomatoes! Everything needs to be looking great this summer because we're hosting a bridal shower for one daughter and a baby shower for another daughter ?

    1. GrannyMay 02/05/2015

      What a wonderful couple of events to plan for! I'm sure the garden will look perfect, your daughters will be the stars!

  6. GrannyMay 02/05/2015

    Alicia you have been busy! Last year you were planning on adding a variety of evergreens to the west side of your garden to provide privacy. And there they are, looking gorgeous! Did you choose to try Cryptomeria? It all looks fantastic, covered with clean white snow. What else are you adding in the winter interest garden? I'm looking forward to seeing your garden evolve.

  7. schatzi 02/05/2015

    Lovely, Alicia. Love evergreens and that Ilex Red Sprite is beautiful against the snow.
    Re "terrible with names" - Michelle - join the club! That's why we have name tags.

  8. GrannyCC 02/05/2015

    Alicia your garden looks just as beautiful in winter as in Spring. I admire how you are planting according to the seasons so you have good bones for the winter time. Still love the garden shed it looks like it is a gingerbread house in the snow.

  9. user-7007327 02/06/2015

    Winter wonderland. Love the garden art.

  10. foxglove12 02/06/2015

    Love the Ilex verticillata.

  11. betsycarrsullivan 02/06/2015

    What a beautiful winter picture! Thank you for sharing!

  12. fourseasons 02/06/2015

    Is it safe to leave your gazing ball out in the winter? I have been bringing mine inside.

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