Garden Photo of the Day

A wow-worthy screen that blends right in

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

This woodland screen was created by landscape architect Brian Higley for a garden in Garrison, New York. He says, “This stick fence screens a small sitting deck in a woodland garden. While it’s made of totally natural woodland materials (sticks), it is a prominent, somehow bold feature that draws one to the quiet destination.”

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  1. rwotzak 07/12/2010

    Very nice! Are those vertical supports live trees or buried branches?

  2. brianla 07/12/2010


    Yes some of the posts are live trees, large and small. Those are the best ones. One of the small trees is now dead, and the others were oak branches, but were more work to install and not too permanant. They are already rotting only after two years. But the client would rather keep replacing and keep the look, rather than have pressure treated or the like.

  3. brianla 07/16/2010

    What I mean to say is - this is a great look but is not a long lasting sort of fence and it would need regular maintenance

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