Garden Photo of the Day

A Subtropical Garden in Sarasota

Ana and Bert Bowers share lovely tropicals for those in the north to dream about!

"Our subtropical garden is in Sarasota, Florida and it is ten years old.  When we moved here, it was all weeds and sand, save the large oaks and a few other native trees on the property.  We designed the garden ourselves with a garden hose laying out the beds, and the following year had a pond put in under our specifications.  We garden largely organically, and for all the beautiful creatures we share the garden with.  It has become a haven for us as well.  I have a gardening page, where I post what’s going on in my garden several times a week.  It has become a fun hobby for me to share with people all over Florida, other states, and even some from around the world!  Thanks!  Ana Bowers"

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View 18 comments


  1. jeffgoodearth 03/30/2016

    beautiful and "junglely", I love it. all that foliage texture and color,,, delicious. if I lived in your climate I would work myself to death. your garden is great.

  2. Jay_Sifford 03/30/2016

    Great job, Ana! I always find it interesting that great gardens transcend differences in climate and culture, and that the "take-away" feelings of tranquility or excitement aren't limited to style.

  3. frankgreenhalgh 03/30/2016

    Outstanding garden Ana. As close to paradise you can get!. Must be very rewarding to design, develop and maintain such a 'masterpiece'.

  4. lindanewber 03/30/2016

    Hi Bert & Anna ...I love your garden. The ligularia is huge. Everything is so lush and green. Bet the two of you enjoy your morning coffee on that deck. What kind of Palm tree is that? I don't usually see Palm trees that provide shade, I really like that one. Also, looks like something is climbing your tree next to the pond ??? Your whole garden is spectacular. I have already bookmarked your page and will be checking often. Thank you for sharing

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/30/2016

    Mesmerizingly beautiful, Ana and many lively colors and lush textures and, oh, all that gorgeous foliage. Is that Spanish moss hanging down in the first picture? You have done a truly stupendous job in creating your own garden of paradise.

  6. user-4691082 03/30/2016

    Wow. All I can say is great job! And road trip!!!!!

  7. MCgardener 03/30/2016

    Fantastic! Love it all. My favorite thing is how you designed the pond with grass up to the edge! I have seen that and always admire the look. Makes it look real.
    What is the name of the huge squat looking palm in the fourth picture?

  8. greengenes 03/30/2016

    These are only plants i dream about having around! What a lovely place you have created! Jungle fever id say! Thanks for sharing!

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/30/2016

    That's quite a private botanic garden you have there. I love it. For some reason I would not have guessed Florida if I had not been told. It looks so very tropical that I would have guessed some place equatorial. I love it!

  10. GrannyMay 03/30/2016

    Your garden is what I would imagine the perfect Florida garden to be; lush, tropical and yet dominated by serene variations and shapes of green. Stunning! Your great FB gardening page answered all the questions I had. Thank you for sharing!

  11. sheila_schultz 03/30/2016

    What a tropical paradise you have created Ana and Bert! Scrolling through these photos, I can imagine the feel of the humidity, smell the dampness of the earth and hear the squawk of the parrots! Your gardens are beautiful.

  12. User avater
    gringopeligroso 03/30/2016

    Ana & Bert!!
    WOW!! Y'all's sanctuary reminds me of a smaller Bok Towers Gardens!! (Which if'n anyone's in the Orlando area I would highly recommend!) Your two Copernicia palms steal the show, however!! Stunning! (But, I'll bet you knew that!!) Reed Orchids as a hedge....sigh...I have a couple in containers here and can't take them for granted. And, is that a Philodendron warsewiczii peaking out from behind the Crotons? I just scored one from eBay, but it'll be a couple/few seasons before it attains the mature leaf architecture!
    I'm jealous of the mature Live Oaks and other trees framing y'all's creativity!! What fantastic "bones" to work under!! Thank you SO much for sharing!!

  13. GrannyCC 03/30/2016

    What a wonderful lush tropical garden you have created. A beautiful place to sit on a hot Florida day.

  14. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 03/30/2016

    Ana and Bert, thanks for the tour of your lush garden. You make gardening in FL look easy but from experience, I know that you are on bug overload there and plants can get wiped out overnight. That petrea volubulis is a wonderful vine and your pond ......:) I will be checking your page often to see more of your backyard paradise.

  15. Cenepk10 03/31/2016

    Whoa !!!! Heavenly

  16. sarahkinbar 03/31/2016

    Ana, can we talk about publishing your garden in a Florida-based magazine? Contact me: [email protected]

  17. diane_lasauce 03/31/2016

    How magical...perfect in every way!

  18. thevioletfern 03/31/2016

    Oh my! I garden in zone 4 but recently have been spending winters in Florida just a couple hours North of you. My dream is to have a Florida garden and now I know where to go for inspiration! I can see the love you cultivate in your garden. Now please excuse me while I go ravish over your "page."

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