Garden Photo of the Day

A Special Woodland Garden in Pennsylvania

By Kim Charles

Nancy Rebilas from Shermans Dale, PA shares her garden highlights

"I have been gardening in Shermans Dale PA for 20 years. When we moved here there was just pink & white peonies & purple irises. I have added numerous plantings & paths since. We are next to the woods so we share the space with various critters along with our own."

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View 18 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/04/2016

    Speaking of critters, Nancy, I couldn't help but notice your dog in picture #2 and think what a happy life he/she must enjoy with all the endlessly interesting smells to snuffle and places to run. Is that a Filipendula rubra (Queen-of-the-Prairie) in picture #4? It looks quite showy and yet delicate. Do you have an expansive clump of it ?

  2. user-4691082 10/04/2016

    The red hibiscus is a show stopper! What zone are you in? Your photography really showcases the intricacies of the individual plants. Do you have deer? Thanks for posting!

    1. user-7007498 10/04/2016

      Shermans Dale is north of Carlisle, so she should also be 6b.

      1. user-4691082 10/04/2016

        Thanks Kevin! Thank you again for Saturday!

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/04/2016

    Oh, my, what is that beautiful shrub/flower in pic 6?

    1. bsavage 10/04/2016

      I am wondering the same thing! Beautiful!

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/04/2016

        It looks like the Sourwood tree, Oxydendron arboreum. They have amazing fall color, too. I'd definitely have one if I had the room!

        1. user-7007498 10/04/2016

          Tim, Thanks for the ID. I didn't recognize it in the closeup. Sourwood is indeed an awesome tree, and I would love to have one. I have an ornamental cherry that it starting to decline, so I might have a spot in the next year.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/04/2016

            You know you're a collector when the impending doom of something in your yard is viewed as an opportunity!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/04/2016

    So nice. Love the lush carpet of the plumbago and that is a great shot of the Filipendula (?). Let's hope it is a great year for fall color!

  5. sheila_schultz 10/04/2016

    You certainly have no shortage of beautiful flowers, Nancy, and now that fall has arrived, the woods must be awash in oranges, reds and yellows! Lucky you!

  6. schatzi 10/04/2016

    Beautiful. Love the coral rose and the pink filapendula.

  7. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 10/04/2016

    Good morning, Nancy. It looks like you've found numerous beautiful plants that deer won't destroy or does your dog keep them away? That sourwood tree really caught my attention and has gone on the "must have" list. Thanks for the ID on that, Tim.

  8. user-7007498 10/04/2016

    Nancy, I am also in love with your garden. Your sourwood tree looks lovely. I am lusting over that one.

    The filipendula is beautiful. I have never seen it before, but I understand it gets quite large.

    We live about 20 miles apart. Would love to make a road trip to your garden when the sourwood is in bloom, if that would be OK.

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. gardeningisfine 10/04/2016

    Great perspective in your photos. Your garden is lovely. I may have to see if the sourwood would make it this far north. Thanks for sharing.

  10. wGardens 10/04/2016

    That hibiscus.... WOWSER! Love the Filapedula also.... what a beauty!

  11. Cenepk10 10/05/2016

    Very pretty plants ! Loving that pink tree !

  12. nancyrebilas 10/07/2016

    Yes it is a Sourwood. Very very slow grower.
    No pests except for mass caterpillars that hit here 5? Years ago they damaged some of the wood. I do not plant anything above a zone 5. Although I am surrounded by evergreens I get frosted out before a few miles down the road. Queen of the prairie is a beautiful favorite. Nancy

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