Garden Photo of the Day

A not-so-delicate container combo

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

This combo may look refined and fussy, but its anchor is one tough cookie. Japanese blood grass (Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’, USDA Hardiness Zones 5-9) is sometimes banished from borders due to its aggressive nature. In fact, the species is listed as invasive in Virginia, Georgia, and Florida. But in this Minnesota garden, it makes the perfect centerpiece for a container planting along with an ornamental oregano and a dainty diascia.

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View 2 comments


  1. itsagreatlife 03/26/2010

    I love the use of the Ornamental Oregano - I am reinspired to use it again this year. I seemed to have forgotten how beautiful it is. The Japanese Blood Grass is annual here in Pennsylvania, especially after this last horrid winter, but it is so beautiful in containers and I use it a good bit. I love the idea of coupling it with the Ornamental Oregano - thanks for tickling my memory.

  2. arboretum 03/29/2010

    i agree. this plant is really not usually z. 5 hardy.

    neat container design but the photo would be better appreciated if cropped to a closeup of the container. the background has no relation to the container and is not needed.

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