Garden Photo of the Day

A living wall with flowing tresses

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

This gorgeous little living wall is at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The Mexican feather grass (Stipa tenuissima, USDA Hardiness Zones 7-11) almost acts as a frame of long, flowing blonde hair.


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View 8 comments


  1. LindaD02 09/30/2011

    This is beautiful! What an amazing living work of art.

  2. hobbit1 09/30/2011

    Very cool. Hope about some instructions on how to make our own? Or has it been covered in a previous issue of Fine Gardening?

  3. VioletV 09/30/2011

    Ditto on requesting instructions on how to make even a modest
    version of a living wall, not to mention one as beautiful as this one.

  4. SurlyJo 09/30/2011

    @Hobbit1: There is a good how-to on making a vertical garden out of a wood pallet on Life on the Balcony

    I want to try this sometime with sweet potato vine and vinca. I'll bet the design can be adapted to use salvaged shutters, cement block, or anything your imagination can dream up.
    Happy Planting!

  5. JD39 09/30/2011

    ...very impressed! how beautiful!!

  6. JardinDelSol 09/30/2011

    Thi is utterly enchanting! I have seen it done with succulents also, but this is particularly spectacular....

  7. LadyNightshade 10/02/2011

    This is truly lovely, but please tell me what the turquoise colored plant is. I'm new to gardening and have seen this in someone's yard on a trellis. I love the color!

  8. soilgoil 10/04/2011

    Yes, enchanting! I, too, would love to see an article on how to create living walls in Fine Gardening. I've seen the "wooly pockets", but I have a feeling that is not how this beautiful display is done. Surly Jo, thanks for the web address; I'm definitely going to check it out.

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