Garden Photo of the Day

A juicy combo for a container

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

This combo might be juicy, but it also has teeth! The flame-licked leaves of Tropicanna canna (Canna ‘Phasion’, Zones 8-11) are the perfect backdrop for the flashy orange spines of this porcupine tomato (Solanum pyracanthum, annual). Note that the orange flower in front doesn’t belong to this prickly plant. Rather, it is a pot marigold (Calendula officinalis cv., annual).

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View 4 comments


  1. KariLonning 03/05/2010

    Interesting group of leaves!

  2. Wood_Nymph 03/05/2010

    Nice plants, but not together.

  3. salsaman 03/10/2010

    I cannot find black lashing tape. Please tellme a cource3.

  4. Ruth 03/11/2010

    salsaman, if you're looking for black lashing cord for trellises, you can purchase it here:,31-494,default,cp.html?SC=ALTRT666

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