Garden Photo of the Day

A Garden as Time Allows

I think I can speak for all the GPOD family when I tell Adeline Kong to send more photos whenever she has time!

"I'd like to share some of my garden photos. Gardening is my de-stressor. I lean towards the cottage style. I'm a working mom and garden only on my days off work. I'm located in the Lower Mainland BC."
Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! You don't have to be a professional garden photographer – check out our garden photography tips!

Do you receive the GPOD by email yet? Sign up here!

Hey, is anyone going to the Northwest Flower & Garden show? If so, please stop by our booth (in the seminar space) and say hi!

View 30 comments


  1. maganblair 02/02/2016

    WOW, my heart is pounding just looking at this beauty. It made my day !

  2. User avater
    HelloFromMD 02/02/2016

    Hi Adeline, a pretty tantalizing glimpse into your gardens! I like your color scheme. My grandmother always did her living room walls in pale pink since she said it is warm and inviting. Then she had a burgundy velvet couch. I like the way you soften the reds. So your garden is alive but warm and welcoming. I enjoyed Blackout lilies with Echinacea this past summer.

  3. garden1953 02/02/2016

    Lush, colorful, and gorgeous!

  4. user-4691082 02/02/2016

    Adeline, such a warm, colorful place to nestle into. Can't wait for spring!

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/02/2016

    You have a very joyful sense of color, Adeline and your garden looks so alive with happy energy and positive thoughts. I would feel very uplifted to walk among all those warm and welcoming shades of pink, coral and red.

  6. NCYarden 02/02/2016

    Very beautiful, love the color mix. Thank goodness for your days off!

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/02/2016

    If your garden is a de-stressor, by the looks of it you have a lot of stress! :) Working mom is three full-time jobs, so I'm sure it's wonderful to have a place to unwind. Your lovely garden shows no signs of neglect. Looks great.

  8. user-6111518 02/02/2016

    Gorgeous! So inviting! And inspiring! Thank you.
    I can relate to gardening as a meditation. A total distraction from the rest of life.
    I only hope you eek out some time to simply enjoy being in it.

  9. MNGardenGirl 02/02/2016

    Oh my! I want to come visit. It's beautiful!

  10. annek 02/02/2016

    How charming! I want to sit in that chair and look out upon the gardenscape that you've created. And, oh, those astilbe in the third photo.....I love the color of their blossoms...they look as though they're waving at one another. Yes, more photos please

  11. GrannyMay 02/02/2016

    Thanks Adeline! Your de-stressor works for me!

  12. wGardens 02/02/2016

    BEAUTIFUL! Please do send in more photos. Love your color palette!

  13. GrannyCC 02/02/2016

    What a lovely surprise on this wet and dreary day on Vancouver Island. Your colours are wonderful and I would love to sit at your table and enjoy the scenery. Very relaxing,

  14. schatzi 02/02/2016

    Colorful, lush and gorgeous! You sure accomplish a lot in your spare time. I agree, gardening is the best de-stressor.

  15. digginWA 02/02/2016

    Beautiful palette!

  16. sheila_schultz 02/02/2016

    Adult coloring books are all the rage these days for de-stressing, Adeline. Coloring pictures of your gardens would definitely be a top seller! They are so happy!!! Add me to the chorus of GPOD'ers that want to see more photos!

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 02/02/2016

      Did you get a lot of snow, Sheila? Of course, what might seem like a lot to me might be no big deal to you.

      1. sheila_schultz 02/03/2016

        For Denver, we did get quite a bit... about 10" of fluffy stuff. It's so delicate and beautiful, especially since the girls (German Shepherds) are away on a quick playdate and can't turn it all into ice with all of their wrestling! It's also giving my gardens needed moisture so I won't have to water for a while!

        1. User avater
          meander_michaele 02/03/2016

          Sounds lovely for you and your garden.

    2. adeline_kong 02/03/2016

      Sheila, I saw these bks in 1 of the art store, I love them!

  17. Cenepk10 02/02/2016

    Gorgeous ! Yesterday- I was so stressed- When I got home from work-It was 70 degrees out- so I started pulling those pesky wild onions out by the roots… I was translated to another place… That peaceful place that just calms the soul…I was wondering- Is it normal to derive this much pleasure from pulling weeds ????

    1. User avater
      gringopeligroso 02/02/2016

      "Pleasure from pulling weeds????" Chuckling here in a wicked cackle kind of way!! We've had a spring-like break for the past few days from January's norm, and we've been enjoying it while it lasts! I, also, have been yanking those pests and obnoxious invaders with great glee! Ok, and with a little animosity and growling, just to get my point across...but so far, no "un-polite" far!!! Grinnin' like the Cheshire Cat when I look over my shoulder and down the row!!! A little dirty and a tad tired when done, but "zenned!!"The pleasure is doubled the next morning when the job is still done and looking road rage in my immediate future!!!

    2. User avater
      LindaonWhidbey 02/03/2016

      I hope so since I certainly do.

  18. VikkiVA 02/02/2016

    Stunningly beautiful Adeline! I'm so surprised to see Astilbe and Crocosmia blooming at the same time as they are in your last photo. More pictures please! Vikki in VA.

  19. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 02/03/2016

    Adeline, your garden style is beautiful and impressive for a working mom. Please consider sharing more photos when you can find the time in your busy life.
    So glad to hear that GPOD will have a booth at the NW Flower and Garden Show. See you there.

  20. perenniallycrazy 02/03/2016

    You have such a refreshing and vibrant garden Adeline. I hope you can send in more photos when time allows...

  21. adeline_kong 02/03/2016

    Thks everyone, Glad you you all enjoyed my flowers as much as I did.. all from last summer. I call myself ..a garden addict.. so whenever I can.. it's out playing in the garden.. I can almost say.. I don't even mind weeding. So looking forward to spring! I spent the cold dry winter days.. cleaning up, prepping. Will definitely post more pics for you all.

  22. diane_lasauce 02/03/2016

    Goodness me! Good time spent!

  23. NevadaSue 02/05/2016

    Your pictures make me wish I lived next door so I could come and stroll through your garden. Just beautiful! Thanks and I hope you do send more.

  24. foxglove12 02/21/2016

    What a restful and beautiful place to destress!

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