Garden Photo of the Day

93 and Still Gardening

Gardening keeps her young!

Karen sent in these photos of a garden of a very special person in her life.

Attached are photos of my 93-year-old mother’s garden. She enjoys planting and picking her flowers, as well as maintenance like plucking weeds and deadheading. She cares for her perennials and bushes, interplanting annuals as needed. She can be found outside watering everything each day. When her labor of love is through, she relaxes on her porch or back patio, often with a glass of wine.

Wow! That is quite the garden—and a lot of work to maintain at 93 years old. I always say that gardening keeps you young. Gardening is constant stimulation for the mind, and surely it is good for the soul. Gardeners are also always looking forward—anticipating plants growing, new seasons arriving. As Beverley Nichols wrote, “It is only to the gardener that time is a friend, giving each year more than he steals.”

A little fairy perches on a rock, surrounded by bright flowers. Annuals and perennials are mixed together to ensure color and interest every day of the gardening season.

variegated lilyturfIn this view looking down one of the garden beds, packed to the brim with flowers and wrapping around a patio seating area, repeated clumps of variegated lilyturf (Liriope muscari ‘Variegata’, Zones 5–10) tie the whole planting together.

And finally, a picture of Karen and her mom. May they have many more years of enjoying gardens and gardening together!


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

If you want to send photos in separate emails to the GPOD email box that is just fine.

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View 16 comments


  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 12/09/2019

    What an inspiration she is!

  2. wittyone 12/09/2019

    Wow, a perfect post for me one day before my 73rd birthday. How fortunate you are to still be able to work in your garden-----it's a blessing.

    Here's hoping that 20 years from now I too, can dig, water, weed and enjoy the wonderful world of gardening.

  3. sandyprowse 12/09/2019

    What a truly lovely story and a spectacular garden. I smiled at the picture of the two ladies and wish the gardener mom many many more years of productive and happy gardening. Indeed she is an inspiration to all the older gardeners and I fall into that category. The only thing that gets better with time is the garden, I Really loved this story.

  4. garden1953 12/09/2019

    A lovely garden and a wonderful story of how gardening is good for you and the planet.

  5. jagardener 12/09/2019

    I feel the love. A happy place. The story is an inspiration to those of us looking forward to more years in our gardens. Wishing mother and daughter more good years together.

  6. paiya 12/09/2019

    We join the other gardeners commenting that Karen’s mother is inspiring, especially to older gardeners such as my husband and me, and her garden is a delight for the eyes!

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/09/2019

    Thank you, Karen, for sharing these inspiring pictures of your mom's garden and the two most lovely blooms of yourself and her. It's obvious from the happy smiles that you both are thriving.

  8. btucker9675 12/09/2019

    This is delightful - thank you so much for sharing and including a photo of you and your Mom, as well as her lovely garden.

  9. User avater
    simplesue 12/09/2019

    I'm impressed and inspired by the garden and the story behind this pretty garden, and all at 93 years old! Wow! Love it!

  10. user-5117752 12/09/2019

    Brava, Karen's mom! I'm 82 and find I can't bend the way I used to and need help with planting, etc.. Such a beautiful garden certainly is a labor of love. Just keep on keeping on! Love to see some pics of the spring garden if you get a chance.

  11. cheryl_c 12/09/2019

    Ditto to Michaele's comments above. My father was still gardening at 93, and lived to be 99 1/2- but he was a guy - so your mom will probably outlive him! Hope so for both of you and your gardens.

  12. User avater
    DianeScheiber 12/13/2019

    Thanks for sharing this post! it's amazing!

  13. User avater
    pattyeckels 12/13/2019

    My kind of gal! I will drink a glass of wine with you. ???

  14. carolineyoungwilliams 12/18/2019

    Thank you Karen for sharing such beauty. Your photos inspired me, your story warmed my heart and gave me hope and the relaxing moments made me smile. May God bless you both.

  15. User avater
    MichealCoronado 12/28/2019


  16. User avater
    GabrielKeele 02/05/2020

    Wow! Lovey Garden and interesting article.

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