Square foot gardening - Fine Gardening

  • How-To

    Building a Raised Bed, Part I

    This video goes over the advantages raised beds offer, as well as what you will need to build one.

  • Square foot gardening raised beds

    Is Square Foot Gardening a Good System?

    I am not here to bash square foot gardening (SFG). Any system that has been encouraging people to grow their own food for the past 40 years should be applauded.…

  • Article

    Basics of Square Foot Gardening

    While in general, our experts do not recommend square foot gardening, there are some redeeming qualities to this method. Learn the basics of square foot gardening as well as some…

  • Article

    All New Square Foot Gardening

    Mel Bartholomew’s new book updates his square foot gardening techniques for the next generation of vegetable gardeners. His classic, best-selling book helps gardeners think inside the box with tips on…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Building a Raised Bed, Part II

    In this second video, the raised bed is put together from the pieces we prepared in the first video.

  • Kitchen Gardening

    DIY Square Foot Garden Planting Templates

    These wood templates will save you a lot of time making evenly-spaced planting holes.