Smooth Hydrangeas - Fine Gardening

  • nativars for the northeast

    3 Great Nativars for the Northeast

    You may have heard the word nativars and wondered what they are, but I'll bet you are already growing a rather impressive list of nativars in your garden. Simply said, nativars…

  • pruning problems

    Pruning Conundrums | Letter from the Editor

    Well, it turns out that I’ve been pruning my hydrangeas wrong this whole time. Not my bigleafs (Hydrangea macrophylla)—I have only a couple of those left in my beds, since…

  • pruning smooth hydrangeas

    A Better Way to Prune Smooth Hydrangeas

    All of the hydrangeas in the native hydrangea plant trial done at Mt. Cuba Center bloom on new wood, which means that the flower buds develop when the shrub starts…

  • best native hydrangeas

    The Best Native Hydrangeas: Plant Trial Results

    Everyone loves hydrangeas, but nobody wants to see a year’s worth of blooms wiped out by a deep winter freeze or a badly timed pruning session. Fortunately, there are a…

  • hydrangea

    Winter-Hardy Hydrangeas

    If you haven’t noticed, there are suddenly more hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) for northern gardeners than ever before. If you've become frustrated with getting a hydrangea to…

  • pink smooth hydrangea

    Smooth and Oakleaf Hydrangeas for the Mid-Atlantic

    Summer in the Mid-Atlantic can be hot and somewhat devoid of flowers after spring blooms fade. However, hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) are just showing their bold flowers…

  • beautiful hydrangeas

    Beautiful Hydrangeas for Every Garden

    There is perhaps no more iconic flower than the hydrangea. Whether it’s the massive blossoms of the bigleaf varieties (Hydrangea macrophylla and cvs., Zones 5–9) or the interesting star-shaped blooms…

  • Design

    Joe’s Indiana Garden

    Today we’re in Hobart, Indiana, visiting Joe Messina’s beautiful garden. Joe’s been gardening for about 30 years. This antique bearded iris (Iris germanica hybrid, Zones 3–8) variety originated over 100…