Mature Garden - Fine Gardening

  • bee on a pink dahlia

    7 Simple Ways to Help Pollinators

    We gardeners are becoming more aware of our changing world, not just the climate but also the habitat reduction for pollinators. Landscape designers are becoming more aware and responding by…

  • Design

    Planting Plan for a Mature Garden Makeover

    In the article How to Make Changes to a Mature Garden, Laura Trowbridge explains how her long border acquired its present appearance: "It was a difficult decision, but last spring…

  • update a mature garden

    How to Make Changes to an Overgrown Garden

    Twenty years ago, I began to create a long flower border against an old stone wall that runs along the west side of our 1760s Cape Cod–style house. Big skies,…

  • fast filling garden

    3 Steps to Get a Garden That Fills In Fast

    Many gardeners dream of having a landscape inspired by a designer such as Piet Oudolf. Think of the High Line in New York City or the Lurie Garden in Chicago.…

  • naturalized garden

    Tips for Evolving a Naturalized Garden Quickly

    Adam Woodruff’s garden is undeniably beautiful, but it didn’t get that way by chance. What might take others decades to achieve, Adam accomplished in only a few years. A lot…

  • fast filling plants

    Planting Plan for a Garden That Fills In Fast

    In the article 3 Steps to Get a Garden That Fills In Fast (Fine Gardening #208), garden designer Adam Woodruff takes readers through the steps he used to get a landscape…