leaves - Fine Gardening
Pine Needles, Oak Leaves, and Soil Acidity: What Does the Research Say?
In a recent Healthy Garden article, Paula Gross mentions research indicating that mulches of oak leaves and pine needles do not acidify the soil. In view of the tendencies of…
End of Gardening Season: Celebrate the Harvest!
We have had our frost warning in my zone 7 Maryland area and I went out the day of the prediction and gathered all of the green tomatoes still on…
Improve Your Soil by Raking Less
Mowing leaves into your lawn can improve its vigor, and unraked leaves in planting beds don’t smother shade-tolerant perennials
Kitchen Gardening
Round Those Leaves Up, Y’all
I've come up with a quick DIY project that will help you ''corral'' the great and FREE garden resource - leaves. I call it the Fall leaf collection bin.