hanging baskets - Fine Gardening

  • close up of cluster of pink roses

    Rajini’s Terrace Garden

    My name is Rajini. I am from Bangalore, India. I have a terrace garden and would like to share these pictures. These plants are called rain lilies (Zephyranthes, Zones 7–10)…

  • container full of blue succulents

    Container Creativity in British Columbia

    Cherry Ong has used unusual containers to enhance her well designed miniature gardens.

  • Design

    Grow Vegetables in Hanging Baskets

    Hanging baskets are a vertical gardening method that not only creates more garden space, but it's also a handy way to add quick color and (surprise) grow more food!

  • container with light pink flowers and peach foliage

    Cherry’s Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes

    Welcome to day two of Cherry's awesome container creations! Today we're seeing her hanging baskets and window boxes. In case you missed it, here's what she said yesterday: "I'm excited…