garden design - Fine Gardening

  • Connecting Home and Garden

    Connecting Home and Garden

    When I first visited this property in the winter of 2010, I was immediately smitten by the site, and the possibilities began to percolate in my mind’s eye. My clients…

  • hardy garden design

    Designing a Hardy Garden

    I have often thought of myself as “gardening against the odds.” My rural Black Earth, Wisconsin, garden is adjacent to a marsh and pond and is technically in Zone 5a,…

  • planning a garden

    Things to Think About When Planning or Renovating a Garden

    I have always thought that the best gardens are those that make people happy and comfortable. Sure, great gardens look good, but they have to feel good too. The gardens…

  • design a garden oasis

    How to Design a Serene and Immersive Garden Oasis

    I was painfully shy as a child, often taking refuge in the forested greenbelt adjacent to our suburban backyard. It was the early 1970s, before children were kept on a…

  • cohesive garden design

    Create a Botanical Tapestry by Knitting Vignettes Together in Your Garden

    What happens when an avowed plant collector puts down roots on a blank garden slate? When I purchased my property, the small lot in a Zone 5b/6a Denver suburb had…

  • adaptable plants

    6 Knitter Plants That Can Tie a Garden Together

    Among the diverse combinations, several adaptable players help to knit the different parts of the garden together, thriving in a variety of microclimates and design aesthetics. See how Dan Johnson…

  • garden arch covered in bright pink flowers

    2023 Highlights in Fran’s Garden

    Today we’re visiting with Fran Cohen who gardens in Rhode Island: In the middle of my winter gardening routine, pouring over seed catalogs, reviewing favorite gardening books and old Fine…

  • close up of pink allium and coneflowers

    Rachel’s Illinois Garden

    Today we’re visiting with Rachel, a gardener and artist living in Elgin, Illinois (Zone 5b). She moved in 2022 to 1.5 acres and is in the process of designing and…

  • long garden path with bridge that cuts through garden beds and small pond

    Garden of the Kings

    My name is Joanne Guerriero, and this is the garden created by my dad, Donald King, age 88. It's located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, a 6B zone. Nineteen years ago…

  • close up of peacock gladiolus with sunset behind

    Summer in Wendy’s Garden

    Today we’re visiting Wendy’s garden in Cleveland Township in northern Michigan. In high summer, lush greenery is dotted with flowers, and there are lots of places to sit, look out,…