Early Spring Plants - Fine Gardening

  • close up of two snow trillium flowers

    First Blooms of Early Spring

    It's Joseph here in Indiana! It is still early spring here, and after a mild winter the temps have turned cool again, slowing everything down—but the earliest bloomers are already…

  • spring flowers for fragrance

    Plants with Early Spring Flower Fragrance for the Midwest

    In the Midwest, any bit of early spring color is welcome as we transition from the long winter months. Throw some early spring-flower fragrance into the mix, and that is…

  • Episode 129: Early Risers

    Episode 129: Early Risers

    Raise your hand if seasonal affective disorder has set in for you. Yep, us too. Because the skies are gray and the landscape is mostly brown in many areas of…

  • early spring flowers southwest

    Late-Winter and Early-Spring Bloomers for the Southwest

    In Jason Reeves' article Plants That Bloom in Late Winter or Early Spring, he discusses how plants that bloom during the coldest time of the year, often go underappreciated: "Some…

  • early spring flowers northwest

    Late-Winter and Early-Spring Bloomers for the Northwest

    In Jason Reeves' article Plants That Bloom in Late Winter or Early Spring, he discusses how plants that bloom during the coldest time of the year, often go underappreciated: "Some…

  • late winter early spring plants

    Plants That Bloom in Late Winter or Early Spring

    After the bright lights of the holiday season have been turned off, the dark days of winter seem to drag on forever. Gardeners begin to look through the catalogs, dreaming…