color combination - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    Peak-Season Combos

    While most people tend to divide the gardening year into four seasons, I like to divide it into three time periods: planning, working, and enjoying. Winter is for planning. It’s…

  • Article

    Carefully Chosen Colors Bring a Garden Together

    My name is Carol Verhake. I’m the current president of the Hardy Plant Society Mid-Atlantic Group and a landscape designer in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, in the Philadelphia suburbs. My passion for…

  • Design

    Beautiful Blooms in Gayle’s Garden in South Carolina

    Happy Independence Day, everyone!! Let's spend today looking at some floral fireworks, courtesy of Gayle McKinney in Columbia, South Carolina. She says, "I didn’t discover my love for flower gardening…

  • Design

    4 Ways to Design With Coleus

    If you're having trouble finding the right plant for the right place, this versatile performer offers a multitude of options

  • bear's breeches and 'Little Honey' oakleaf hydrangea

    Breaking the Rules

    Whether I am visiting a public garden or in a landscape created by nature, I think about what makes these places special. I inevitably conclude that the gardens I love…