Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

  • small outdoor staircase covered with garbage bags
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Garden-Friendly Snow Clearing and Salt Alternatives

    In the depths of winter the focus on what happens under our feet is generally centered around staying safe and minimizing slips, trips, and falls on steps or walkways covered…

  • Pruning a hydrangea to make a better shape
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Winter is Best Time for Rejuvenation Pruning in the Mid-Atlantic

    While a light hand is apropos for many pruning jobs, sometimes a judicious but heavy hand is needed. Rejuvenation pruning is a heavy-handed but efficient method to bring overlooked, overgrown,…

  • Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Evergreen Perennials for the Mid-Atlantic

    ‘Twisted Tongue’ agave  Agave × amourifolia ‘Twisted Tongue’  Zones: 7–10 Size: 3 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide  Conditions: Full sun; well-drained soil  Native range: Hybrid of Southwestern…

  • minor bulbs
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    How to Plant Minor Bulbs for Major Impact

    After a long winter nothing brings more joy than seeing the first signs of spring. With a little planning and patience, you can amplify and enhance this feeling of delight…

  • watering techniques
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Use a Watering Bag to Establish New Trees

    Fall is an excellent time for planting and transplanting, provided there is adequate soil moisture to allow plants to reestablish their root systems. Because inconsistent watering or lack of rainfall…

  • deer-resistant plants for the Mid-Atlantic
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Plants That the Herbivores Will Avoid in the Mid-Atlantic

    Fionuala Campion says in her article, Dazzling Deer-Resistant Perennials, "Though very graceful and delightful to behold in their native habitat, deer are a voracious force to reckon with in many…

  • organic approach to lawn maintenance
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Fall Is a Natural Time for Organic Lawn Care

    The centerpiece of a traditional American landscape has long been a verdant, weed-free expanse of lawn. But all too often conventional lawn care is achieved by applying an onslaught of…

  • close up of bright pink peony
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    How to Help Perennials Bloom Longer into Summer

    Enjoying the beauty of plants and flowers is the number one reason most of us love to garden, so it’s always fun to find new ways to help our plants…

  • healthy tree planting
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Two Tree-Planting Pitfalls to Avoid

    You’ve probably heard the old saying that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is now. If you’ve recently been inspired…

  • summer flowering plants that are good for Chelsea chop
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Do You Dare to Try the “Chelsea Chop”?

    In late May, many of us look forward to seeing social media posts about the Chelsea Flower Show. The timing of this event is a reminder that there are many…