Showy Seed Heads - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Velvet Cloak’ smoke tree

    Cotinus coggygria ‘Velvet Cloak'

    This shrub or small tree has stunning deep purple foliage that turns orange-red in autumn.

  • Plant Guide

    Cotinus coggygria ‘Ancot’

    Cotinus coggygria 'Ancot'

    This specimen is grown for its stunning golden leaves, which turn to brilliant shades of orange and red in autumn.

  • Plant Guide

    Pampas grass

    Cortaderia selloana

    This stunning grass has 1- to 3-foot-long, densely tufted plumes atop tall, upright stalks and arching mid-green leaves.

  • Plant Guide

    Clematis ‘Ernest Markham’

    Clematis 'Ernest Markham'

    'Ernest Markham' is a vigorous, late-flowering climber with abundant small flowers in summer.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Pumila’ pampas grass

    Cortaderia selloana ‘Pumila”

    This dwarf cultivar has mid-green leaves and densely tufted plumes atop tall, upright stalks and arching mid-green leaves.

  • Plant Guide

    Smoke tree

    Cotinus coggygria

    This bushy shrub or small tree has generated many notable cultivars, all of which add great textural qualities to the landscape.

  • Plant Guide

    Sweet autumn clematis

    Clematis terniflora

    This deciduous, late-flowering twining vine with deep green leaves and profuse, fragrant white flowers is easy to grow and will thrive and bloom in shade.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Chocolate Chip’ baptisia

    Baptisia 'Chocolate Chip'

    This perennial produces milk chocolate-colored flowering buds that open in spring with golden yellow petals over blue-green foliage.

  • Plant Guide

    Chinese buttonbush, glossy adina

    Adina rubella

    This 6- to 8-foot-tall, deciduous shrub is grown for its glossy leaves and spiky, round, creamy-white flowers that appear in early to midsummer.

  • Plant Guide

    Prince’s feather

    Amaranthus cruentus

    Amaranthus cruentus makes a striking statement in beds or borders.