Gardening Answers

Planning for bulb planting

marti_n_midwest_moderator | Posted in Midwest Gardening on

This is time of year when bags of tulips, daffodils and other spring bulbs are appearing the stores and catalogs are arriving weekly in the mail.  Have you started thinking about where to add splashes of spring color in your garden.  I am in love with Alliums, ‘Purple Sensation’ being my favorite. It is tall, easy to grow and a typically a great value for the impact. I think of them as my “Purple Balls of Happiness’ 

What are your favorite spring bulbs and are you planning to add any to your garden this fall?


  1. Steph234 | | #1

    I've planted tulips and daffodils the last few years. I ordered more tulips, plus crocus and allium bulbs, for this fall. I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to plant them all, but I'm excited for them to arrive!

  2. User avater Moderator
    marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #2

    I am sure you will find room. When a client asks me how many bulbs they should plant, and I tell them at least a couple hundred to start they stand there with shock. I always say 'go big or go home'. Please share photos next spring when they are bloom.

  3. User avater Moderator
    mdwyer | | #3

    Our 3-acre healing garden at Edgerton (WI) Hospital and Health Services is surrounded by woodland and farmland (LOTS of deer). Of course, daffodils (Narcissus) and ornamental onions (Allium) are are "GO TO" bulbs! This year we're putting in over 25,000 alliums representing 20 different kinds. Allium azureum (syn. Allium caesium and Allium caeruleum) is a favorite for 2", floating, sky-blue flowers in late June. We snip the flowers when browning to avoid reseeding issues to be honest but many of the larger spheres are nice dried (and/or spray painted!)

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