Gardening Answers

Lawn alternatives?

CAlexander | Posted in Mountain West Gardening on

I was reading this post about different lawn alternatives and was wondering if anyone had experience with any of them?


  1. User avater Moderator
    maryannnewcomer | | #1

    I love the Blue Grama grass or Bouteloua gracilis. I've used 'Blonde Ambition' from High Country Gardens for about ten years. It's a foot tall and topped with the prettiest "eyelash" seed heads. While we have not used it as a complete lawn alternative, I lined pathways and low-traffic areas with it, and it softens the overall landscape beautifully. The first picture below is in my garden, interplanted with the sedum 'Matrona'. The second image is at the Idaho Botanical Garden, where I used it to soften the area around a sculpture.

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