Gardening Answers

Favorite spring natives

Chloe_Moderator | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

I was looking at my pictures today and was reminded of how much I love this native plant, golden ragwort (packera aurea). It’s one of my favorite spring natives because it’s just so irrepressibly cheerful. I swear it can make a rainy day seem sunny. In my own garden, I have it combined with wild blue phlox for a dense, easy, and gloriously floriferous ground cover. I’m really coming down with spring fever right about now! 
Do you have a favorite spring-blooming native plant you can hardly wait to see?


  1. sadiarehman | | #1

    Golden ragwort is a cheerful favorite! I love its vibrant blooms. I'm excited to see bloodroot in my garden—its delicate flowers bring anticipation to spring. 🌼

    1. User avater Moderator
      Chloe_Moderator | | #2

      Bloodroot is such a jewel and the foliage is so interesting. I haven't planted it, but it grows wild nearby and I always look forward to its bloom.

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