Indoor Plants - Page 3 of 5

  • propagating houseplant from cuttings

    Learn 5 Ways to Propagate Houseplants Through Cuttings

    There’s nothing more satisfying to a gardener than growing more of the plants you love and doing it from scratch. Whether you’re growing new specimens from a houseplant you already…

  • prayer plants

    How to Grow Prayer Plants as Houseplants

    Prayer plants (Goeppertia spp. and cvs., syn. Calathea spp. and cvs., Zones 9–11) are arguably among the most stunning houseplants you can add to your collection. Though they come in…

  • snake plants indoors

    Growing Snake Plants Indoors

    Snake plants (Dracaena spp. and cvs., syn. Sansevieria spp. and cvs., Zones 9–11) are usually discounted in the houseplant world as reliable and reliably dull. But these often-maligned plants so…

  • centennial park conservatory

    GPOD on the Road: Centennial Park Conservatory

    Barry Severn is taking us along on a trip to Centennial Park Conservatory in Toronto. As you’ll see, these greenhouses are packed with all kinds of beautiful plants. I’m sure…

  • snowdrop growing snow

    Surviving the Indiana Winter

    Today it is me, your GPOD editor, Joseph, checking in from my very snowy garden in northern Indiana. Recently, we had a warm day, some snow melted, and I saw…

  • plants on a windowsill

    Windowsill Plants for Winter and Beyond

    Once it gets cold, our English gardening side argues a lot with our South Texas side. One half thinks gardening is a necessary year-round activity; the other half thinks going…

  • Ferns thrive in indirect light, like that from a north-facing window. However, they are sensitive to drafts and shouldn’t be near a cold window in the winter.

    How to Care for Houseplant Ferns

    Ferns have an interesting reputation as indoor plants. They are prized for their beauty and elegance, but they also have a lingering (and not completely deserved) reputation as tricky plants…

  • Petite Houseplants for Any Home

    Petite Houseplants for Any Home

    Admitting you are addicted to collecting houseplants is the first step. The second step? Finding more space for new plants! Plants that stay small are the perfect solution for indoor…

  • small houseplant

    Indoor Gardening in Southern California

    Tending to houseplants can be a rewarding experience for any plant enthusiast. I discovered a love of houseplants while far along in my pregnancy here in Southern California. It was…

  • houseplants outdoors in summer

    Moving Houseplants Outdoors for the Summer in the Northeast

    Nothing will do most houseplants better than spending a summer vacation outdoors. Many of us assume that the word “house” in houseplants means that these are plants that prefer to…