Utah - Fine Gardening

  • apple flea beetles

    How to Manage Flea Beetles: The Cutest Pests You’ve Never Heard Of

    Late spring sees me watching and waiting, breath not quite bated—and certainly not baited—to find out my fate for the season with one garden critter in particular: the flea beetle.…

  • Design

    Guidelines for Building a Rock Garden

    Last fall, this column featured Showy Native Plants for Rocky Soils. Not included in that plant palette were rock gardens. While similar in that the plants for such spaces require…

  • Five Petal Cliffbush

    Plants That Take Sun and Shade for the Mountain West

      1. Creeping Oregon Grape Name: Mahonia repens syn. Berberis repens Zones: 5–8 Size: 1 to 2 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide Conditions: Full sun to full…

  • close up of orange and purple wildflowers with mountains behind

    Utah Wildflowers

    My name is Anna Lindquist, and I'm a personal and professional plant nerd based in the Intermountain West. I'm especially enamored with native plants and am constantly in awe of…

  • How-To

    Tomatoes for Mountain West Gardeners

    Despite working predominantly in ornamental—especially naturalistic—horticulture, I hold an “interdisciplinary minor in organic agriculture” from Colorado State University. Early in my career I worked primarily in food crops, and before…

  • Design

    Great Native Plants for Western Gardens

    In his article Weaving Vignettes Together, horticulturalist Dan Johnson gives us a look into his home garden in Denver, where he uses repeated plant groupings and consistent hardscaping to unify…

  • large garden bed full of warm-season ornamental grasses

    3 Warm-Season Ornamental Grasses That Excel in the Mountain West

    My career in ornamental horticulture has led to the development of a working theory: Ornamental grasses are an acquired taste for most gardeners. This theory grew from personal experience (my…

  • garden bed with gravel mulch

    How to Pick the Best Mulch for Your Mountain West Garden Beds

    Since entering horticulture professionally over a decade ago, I’ve noticed a correlation on the Colorado Front Range between wood mulch (also called arborist chips) and water-wise gardens. A beautifully designed…

  • spring planting plan mountain west

    Spring Planting Plan for the Mountain West

    In her article "Spring Planting Ideas," Michelle Gervais beautifully illustrates the magical time that is the start of spring: "Our winter-weary spirits lift as hints of green begin to appear.…

  • maple pruned in winter

    With Winter Pruning on the Mind, Avoid Cutting on These Woody Plants

    Winter is, broadly speaking, the ideal time to prune most trees and shrubs. Deeply dormant, these woody plants experience less stress when pruned in the winter months, and with cool…