Seed Starting - Page 3 of 23

  • How-To

    March Garden To-Do List for the Mid-Atlantic

    Spring is just around the corner, and there is much to do in the garden. The weather can be finicky in March, but there will be plenty of mild days…

  • snowdrop growing snow

    Surviving the Indiana Winter

    Today it is me, your GPOD editor, Joseph, checking in from my very snowy garden in northern Indiana. Recently, we had a warm day, some snow melted, and I saw…

  • How-To

    Mountain West February Garden To-Do List

    Sign up for gardening classes and workshops. Whether you're looking for inspiration or direct how-to knowledge, February is the time to sign up for classes and workshops throughout the region.…

  • cold frame with plastic exterior

    Using Cold Frames in the Mountain West

    If you’ve lived in the Mountain West, you know how erratic the weather can be here; sometimes there are swings between temperatures with as much as a 60° to 70°F…

  • collecting plant seeds

    Fall Seed-Saving in the Northwest

    Days are getting shorter, and there is a soft glow to the sunlight. That can only mean one thing: Fall is upon us. With this season comes a sense of…

  • Design

    Marie Clark Taylor and the Wonder of “Aliveness!”

    Have you ever looked at a living plant cell under a microscope? Though science classes across the country offer this opportunity routinely now, it was once a quite rare occurrence.…

  • Okra Size: 3 to 6 feet tall; some varieties up to 10 feet tall yield: Continual production if harvested daily Days to germinate: 10 to 15 Days to maturity: 55 to 75 Germination Conditions: Soak seeds in warm water for 24 hours prior to sowing. In cool regions with a short growing season, start seeds indoors eight to 10 weeks before the last frost. In warm climates, direct-sow in spring when the ground is warm and all danger of frost has passed. Growing instructions: Plant in full sun and in well-drained soil. Plant 18 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. It requires temperatures to remain above 50°F. Seed Note: Okra seeds do not store well.

    20 Great Edibles to Start From Seed

    Vegetables (and some fruits) are some of the easiest plants to start from seed. And that's a good thing, since a lot of us want to grow veggies from seed…

  • tomatoes and seeds

    How to Grow Tasty Tomatoes From Seed

    A long-standing myth among tomato lovers is that home-grown tomatoes taste the best. But it’s the variety of the tomatoes that actually influences the taste, not whether they’re grown on…

  • seed starting tools

    Seed-Starting Gadgets

    Starting your own seeds is a great way to get a lot of plants for little money. But from sowing tiny seeds to prying seedlings out of flimsy plastic trays,…

  • Native ferns grow in flats

    Propagating Natives by Seed in the Mid-Atlantic

    As information about growing native plants becomes more available to home gardeners, it’s hard to find a reason not to grow them. I talked to Leslie French about propagating native…