Northern Plains - Fine Gardening

  • Ostrich ferns growing next to large piece of drift wood

    Evelyn’s Urban Prairie Garden

    Hi GPODers! Today we're in the garden of Evelyn Sterenberg, who deals with some pretty unique conditions. Located in the city Lethbridge, Alberta, she is squarely in the Canadian prairie…

  • Design

    GPOD on the Road: Assiniboine Park Gardens, Part 2

    Happy Friday, GPODers! Last Friday I shared my experience at Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As promised, I'm back this week to share more photos from this expansive park with…

  • daisies and dames rocket with paper birch

    Charlie’s Wonderful Wyoming Garden

    Hi GPODers! So far the theme of this week's submissions is garden beauty despite challenging conditions! Yesterday we saw how Fran's garden stays lush despite lots of deer activity, and…

  • perfect rows of vegetable crops in a large garden bed

    Gardening in North Dakota

    Today’s photos are from Shiloh in Williston, North Dakota, a chilly spot at the edge of Zones 3 and 4, but that doesn’t stop Shiloh from having a beautiful, productive…

  • Pomegranate Yarrow

    Peak-Season Perennials for the Northern Plains

    While we would all ideally have gardens that look at their peak in every season, the reality is often far from that ideal. Very few of us have all the…

  • creeping plants for sun

    Creeping Plants for Sunny Spots in the Northern Plains

    Spreading ground covers are invaluable in certain garden situations. Over the years they creep along the ground to fill in large spaces easily, saving you a lot of time and…

  • native sedges

    3 Hardy Native Sedges You Should Grow

    Being an undercover plant addict is my worst-kept secret. Sedges (Carex spp. and cvs., Zones 3–10) are my current fixation. I think spending so many years hooked on hostas (Hosta…

  • overgrown shrub before pruning

    Rejuvenation Pruning Tips for Overgrown Shrubs

    The mild days of winter offer gardeners an opportunity to tend to tasks that are best done when the landscape is dormant. One of those tasks is the rejuvenation or…

  • garden bed full fo pink and purple flowers

    Pam’s Garden in Montana

    My name is Pam Alvord. In 2019 I submitted photos of our North Carolina garden in Zone 7B (Learning From Gardening in Different Climates). I explained that I have gardened…

  • plants for winter interest

    Trees and Shrubs with Winter Interest

    I see winter as beginning with the first falling leaf and ending with the first sign of new growth. That can be a very long stretch in the Northern Plains…