Marianna Quartararo has learned how to work with the soil she has! Well done!
"I am in northeast PA in Lackawaxen, a few miles from the Delaware River. I built this house and have been here for about 10 years. Soil is non-existent here on top of the mountain so I must amend the thin, acidic soils I have with many loads of horse manure and other compost. I spend as much time as possible working in and building new garden areas for flowers and vegetables. Presently, I am clearing the lower portion of my yard in order plant shrub borders interspersed with perennials. All in good time."
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Hi Marianna, am loving that flagstone patio. You are on the top of the mountain? Do you have any views? Any nice native vegetation like mountain laurel? Love your weeping Beech and the rocks in the garden. Looks like in the field in back of the picture is some great stones. If I move I would love to have some large rocks, boulders in place to create a rock garden. You have an intriguing location. Please send more photos.
Lovely seating area, love that stone patio! Yes, please do send in more photos! Thanks!
Gosh, Marianna, it looks like you are doing some beautiful gardening even with the challenging conditions you describe. Of course, your two ingredients of dogged determination and the addition of lots and lots of nutrient rich compost are certainly helping! I love the background color echo that is happening in the picture featuring the weeping beech. What is producing that warm amber tone? Moss on rocks? Winter dead foliage? Whatever it is, it sure gives a neat effect.
Your hard work is certainly paying off, Marianna. The flowers you have shown us are lovely, and your weeping beech is beautiful. Enjoy building your new beds!
I do adore rocks, but I guess gardening on bare rock can certainly be a challenge. Very nice garden and site. Like Michaele, I'm curious about the stones and the amber ground behind that beautiful weeping beech.
You have a real rock garden. Beautiful garden and photos. Love the weeping birch tree. Could you please tell us the name of the weeping birch tree? Thanks for sharing your garden with us.
Marianna, very envious of your weeping beech. My guess is that you do not have a deer problem since that's one of their favorite trees in my area. Love the rocks in your woods and the beautiful (fall?) color and that great stone patio. What a nice place to sit and appreciate all of your hard work.
Beautiful. Need more pictures. Great work.
you've done an excellent job of working with what you have! Your garden is lovely!
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