Here is a beautiful continuation of the many stunning aspects of Jeanne Cronce's gardens in Port Orchard, WA.
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year 2017!
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Hello there Jeanne - What magnificent gardens and flower arrangement you have created! It must be a joy to live in such a lovely and welcoming environment. What is the size of your property? Cheers from Oz
What a color smorgasbord. Lovely. What is the gorgeous bronzey grass?
Hi erlarichards, the grass is one of the micanthus types.. I believe the name of it by common is "zebra".
gorgeous pics of an amazing garden !
happy new year !
Happy New Year to you too Christiane!
Hi Jeanne. Such lovely photos. Your garden is a treat for those of us who love amazing textures and interesting foliage. Happy New Year.
Hey Jay! Yes, happy new year to you as well! Glad the gardens can brighten up your day! Spring is just around the corner!
Good morning, Jeanne. What a great start to the New Year with Linda's beautiful garden yesterday, and now yours. PNW feast. The first photo is a stunning picture to entice us into the post. If only I had a view like that. The maples on your property are awesome. I will be looking at them over the next few months to get me through winter. The Miscanthus is beautiful in bloom. Your garden looks like my dream of paradise. Thanks for sharing.
REMINDER: anyone who can make the Philadelphia Flower Show this year, Rhonda and I will be there on Tuesday, March, March 14. Mark your calendars.
Good morning Kevin... hope you have a great new year ahead! Sure would like to jaunt over to the Philadelphia Flower Show. That would be so fun.
Sigh, Jeanne, yours is one of those endlessly fascinating gardens that invites (even demands) slow walk-abouts to take in all the beautiful combinations of colors, textures, plant shapes and heights. Even though pictures can't possibly do it justice, I'll take what I can get. The second from the last photo is a wonderful example of how the whole can equal even more than the sum of its parts....the layers of plants, the repetition of the reds, how the birdhouse picks up the soft greenish yellow of the bush that gives a somewhat weeping impression...you, dear lady, are a talented composer of a most beautiful symphony.
Hi Michaele! Well here we are into another year and still able to keep doing what i love best! You are so kind and generous with your words, coming from the heart! If you ever get to this side you are so welcome to stop in!
It would truly be an honor to visit and spend time "meandering" (ha, I picked my screen name without even thinking of the word which means to wander...it was the "m" from my first name and then the first 5 letters from my last name) through your garden and those of many of our other regular gpod-ers. My blessing is my curse...I am such a contented homebody!
Good morning Jeanne, You've created a 4 season masterpiece with your beautiful gardens. I agree with Kevin about the 1st photo. That scene stands alone and illustrates your gardening skill beautifully .
Happy New Year & good luck, Joe
Thank you Joe! Hope your new year ahead will be great a full of what you love!
Oh, Jeanne, I would love to bring my lawn chair, coffee, and book to sit in that gorgeous area in your first pic. My husband would have to drag me in at night. Love that!
May I join you?
Hi Treasuremom...Yes you would be welcome to pitch a tent! And yes, it is hard to come in for the day. But after i get dinner iam back out to finish the day with a glass of wine and to see what inspires me to do the next. Happy New year!
The floral arrangement is beautiful. I am amazed at the diversity of plant materials. I am gaga over your clumping bamboo. Love your paradise!
Hi Rhonda, isnt bamboo awesome?! Its my favorite for sure. You have to have room though, even for the clumping. It is sort of a paradise here. A great escape from the hustle and bustle of the world out there. It is hard to leave. When i do have to go into town i make sure to do all i need to do so i dont have to go again anytime soon. I guess iam becoming a garden hermit! Happy new year to you!
Jeanne, your gardens are, as ever, exquisite. What a thrill you must get from walking your paths and seeing the views from every vantage point. I'm always fascinated when you start a new garden bed....any expansions planned for this year?
Hi Annek! Yes i have done some expansions which i havent posted yet. There is some cement work which needs to be finished, with some cement hands holding up huge bamboo posts, a small conifer spot, and maybe another small fountain..etc. As long as i can do these things i still will probably continue to expand. It usually takes one new plant that needs a good spot to create a new bed. But this year iam slowing down physically. Its so hard to let go of some ideas because of this. You have a great new year ahead! Happy gardening to you!
Beautiful! What are the red buds or berries in the third pic/flower arrangement?
Hi Jill... happy new year! Well those red berries are a type of cotoneaster. Iam sorry i dont know the name. But it has larger berries than most. I just saw one somewhere which i cant remember where, which was planted in a tall red pot and it hung down. It was so great! This easily roots on the branches which are on the ground. So i just might have to try putting some in a pot!
I'm drooling! One question from south Louisiana to PNW. Do you have mosquitoes? Please tell me you do. Otherwise, I'll really be way too jealous of your growing paradise. These photos are just delightful. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Peggy! yes, we do have those pesky little biters! They seemed more aggresive than ever this last summer. But i put these "donuts" in the ponds which seem to kill the larva. They were even quite huge this last year too. Hopefully this next summer we will have less bugs and such because we are getting some colder weather than we have had in a while. Have a wonderful growing season ahead!
Okay, I feel a bit better. I use the donuts too, but the biters are still rampant in our area. We haven't had a freeze this year, and the August flood didn't help. I started using Dr. Teal's epsom salt body lotion (lavender or eucalyptus) and found a side benefit of the lotion is it seems to repel mosquitoes. It smells so much better than Off!
Simply Gorgeous. You have created a true Garden of Eden. So jealous of all you can do with flora in the Pacific North West.
Hi Sonya, Iam glad you enjoyed the garden of eden. Where do you live? Iam sure there are some cool plants where you are. I know we have a great growing area and there are some cool gardens. But i feel the same way when i see warmer area gardens with cacti and sun loving plants. Especially the tropical ones! I guess i just have to go visit those areas for awhile! Have a wonderful year ahead!
I live in Georgia, northeast of Atlanta. Our weather is not too different from yours most of the time. However we have been seeing more than our share of really hot, 95+ temps for weeks on end with 100% humidity and no rain (went more than 2 months this summer without a drop). Couldn't even dig a hole with a pick axe. I was getting ready to redo my landscape plan with rocks, succulents and cacti when the winter rains finally came. Gardeners are eternal optimists!
I used to spend a good deal of time in Washington, Oregon and a little bit over the border on business and was always just amazed at the lushness of the area. You are truly a talented gardener; I look forward to seeing more pictures of your wonderful creation.
That flower arrangement... I will be thinking about if for days....?
Happy New Year ahead Lily! Thanks..
Aaahh, Jeanne, a wonderful return to your fantastic garden paradise. Still envious of you PNWers' growing capabilities. Just an absolutely amazing collection of plants.
NC Yarden, to think of it as a paradise is a great compliment. Thank you. It is a great place to escape the rush of life for sure! We are able to grow much here in the northwest and it is dangerous to say the least! Happy new year to you!
Breathtakingly beautiful! Your garden is always a delight when featured on GPOD Jeanne. Happy New Year all!
Hi Cherry! thanks for your kind comments. We are so fortunate to be able to garden here in the northwest. Hope you have a wonderful year ahead while exploring new gardens, nurseries and meeting people who love the same!
Good morning Cherry, would you like to become a master gardener Greater Vancouver chapter? Class is starting Jan 12 at VanDusen Botanical Garden every Tuesdays from 9:00am to 3:30pm until the end of March. If you are interested, I will send you contact information.
Sure, please send me the contact information. I'll see if I can make the time.
Sorry for the delay Cherry. This is because by the time I got your reply in the blog, the Basic training class has started two weeks ago. May be next year. Class usually start in early Jan to the end of March. Here is the e-mail contact
[email protected]
What a treat, Jeanne. I could spend days looking at photos of your garden. It's just marvelous.
Today I am smitten with the color of the Japanese maple in the 6th photo behind the Phormium. Is it an Acer japonicum culitvar>
Your autumnal arrangement with the Aucuba and the coleus is marvelous!
All the best for your garden this year.
Hey Tim! Yes isnt that maple great! It is an aconitifolium. This is supose to be a weeping form but it never did do it! But thats okay it is still beautiful. I think it is my favorite of the maples but there are a few in the running for sure! Happy new year ahead to you too! Hope you have some wonderful experiences with your new plants and old ones too!
I love your garden posts. With these cold gray days in Wisconsin and I need all the garden eye-candy I can get. Thanks, Jeanne!
Oh Chris, you do get some harsh winters back there for sure! But your summmers are hot and so many things grow great! Most of the time we have mild summers and we just hope our tomatoes, peppers, corn and other plants complete their full growth! I love how you call it eye candy. Yes i agree! i do go online to look when we have the dark gray days here. Happy gardening this year! Stay encouraged!
It is most beautiful, and makes me homesick for Vancouver's suburbs where I grew up. The foliages you can get there are so stunning. Thanks
You are so welcome Edith. You have a great new year ahead!
Edith, Vancouver BC is covered with snow and more is coming.
I KNOW, and can't really believe it..there will be some damage for sure, especially from the ice.
Sweet Jeanne, your vision of beauty continues to mature into a magnificent tapestry that involves all of our senses. The combinations you have brought together take my breath away. The love you feel for your little piece of heaven is evident... thank you for sharing your dream with all of us.
Love your garden, Jeanne. Beautiful grasses, clumping bamboo and maples. It's all so colorful and peaceful. Have you lost any plants to the extreme temps that we've been experiencing? Thanks for sharing today.
I missed your great post yesterday, Linda, but made sure to leave you a comment today of praise and jealousy.
Thanks, Tim. We're in AZ worried that all of our hebes and borderline plants are suffering in the unusually cold weather that the PNW is having. Happy New Year!
Hi Diane.. thank you. Arent plants great?! There are so many kinds and so hard to keep it to just a few! Hope you have a great year ahead!
Hi Jeanne
Once again beautiful pictures of your gorgeous garden. You are such an inspiration to us all.
Happy New Year to all.
Hi Jeanne. Your pictures are all gorgeous, but the arrangement is simply stunning. Beautiful combination, Are you going to the F&GS this year? Hope to see you there.
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