Garden Photo of the Day

Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog & eLetter!

A classic plant combo at Longfellow Gardens in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. The photos above are a small sampling from the blog.

Click here to go to the BLOG HOMEPAGE, where you’ll see every single post, going back to January 2010!

A handmade gate composed of vintage gardening tools designed by Freeland and Sabrina Tanner in Napa, California.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

<< S I G N   U P   N O W >> to get new posts delivered to your inbox each morning so you’ll always remember to take a look, or subscribe to our RSS feed. We look forward to sharing our garden travels with you.

An exuberant container planting designed by Deanne Fortnam in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

>>>  C A L L    F O R    P H O T O S ! ! <<<
We want to feature YOUR garden on the GPOD blog! Send us your favorite photos from your garden or any garden you’ve designed. Home gardens make me and the GPOD readers happiest!  Send hi-res images to
[email protected]

A fountain garden designed by Deborah Silver in Michigan.
Photo/Illustration: Brandi Spade

What people have to say about the Garden Photo of the Day blog:

“Thank you for the beautiful pictures and places you take us to each day.  It’s a wonderful way to start the day!”

–Phyllis Fitzsimons in southern California

An entranceway garden designed by Eve Thyrum for her garden in Wilmington, Delaware.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

“I look forward to receiving the email “Photo of the Day,” and I want to thank you for all you do at Fine Gardening. Your blog and your photos are inspirational. I look at the visual stories you create and try to imagine how I could re-interpret them in my garden. Keep up the great work. You are a highlight of my workweek mornings.”

–Jackie DiGiovanni in Ann Arbor, Michigan

An inspirational garden gate at the Cotton-Arbo retum in Winchester, Massachusetts.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

“Thanks for all the pictures you share.  They are a bright spot in my day.”

–Leslie Sipes in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Homemade garden larnterns designed by Michelle Gervais for her garden in New Milford, Connecticut.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
A watering can serving as a focal point in Nancy Ondra’s garden in Pennsylvania.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Randy Bolin’s getaway in his garden in Oakland, California.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Historic grandeur at Blithewold Mansion and Gardens in Bristol, Rhode Island.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
A restful scene in the Conservatory Garden in Central Park, New York City.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
A private courtyard garden in Charleston, South Carolina.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
View 3 comments


  1. Garden_Addict 08/19/2011

    Wonderful photo! Would like to know what all of the plants are. I know the cone flower but what are the rest?

  2. perenniallycrazy 06/06/2012

    Oooo, Michelle, love those homemade lanterns.... can you tell us how you made them?

  3. MichelleGervais 06/06/2012

    Thanks, PerenniallyCrazy! They're just Mason jars filled partway with clear florist gems and a tea light candle, and hung from the pergola with garden twine. Simple!

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