Garden Photo of the Day

Unique Adornment in the Garden

By: Kim Charles

Jacquelyn Borelli from Rochester, NY shares her photos with us, that are choc-full of unique garden adornment.

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View 19 comments


  1. user-4691082 09/13/2017

    Good morning, Jacquelyn. You have amassed a collection of ornamentation that is amazing. I love silver. I love copper. I love silver and copper together! Tell us about the creation in the second photo. It looks like it could be a fountain, but I don't think so. I love all of the angel statues, they are comforting. Thanks for posting!

    1. user-7007498 09/13/2017

      Look at you, Rhonda. 1st post of the day. ?

      1. user-4691082 09/13/2017

        How bout that! Have a great time this weekend!

        1. frankgreenhalgh 09/13/2017

          Congrats., Rhonda.

          1. user-4691082 09/13/2017

            I have to get up pretty early to beat you, Frank!?

        2. user-7007498 09/14/2017

          Thanks. I am so excited.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/13/2017

    You certainly seem to have a magic touch with clematis, Jacquelyn...I love how those colorful purple blooms pop on the white trellis. And, speaking of purple, your combination of the liatrus, the crocosmia and the yellow daylilies is particularly pleasing...and, of course, it doesn't hurt to have the charming chair sitting in the middle as a sweet planter. Hmm, and here I go, mentioning "purple" the purple garden shed just a facade to have as a backdrop? or an actual building? Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.

  3. user-7008886 09/13/2017

    Hi Jacquelyn,

    I too enjoyed your photos - especially the second one, and am curious how it was made?
    Are these metal items wired or glued to a stake? Thought the copper mold totems were great also.

    Thanks for sharing!


  4. Sunshine111 09/13/2017

    A woman after my own heart, one who likes to make a statement! You go girl! I loved it?

  5. user-6896190 09/13/2017

    Love your pics. So inviting

  6. user-6536305 09/13/2017

    Wow that is so cool and so creative Jacquelyn! Where on earth did you get the leave shaped ornament or did you make it yourself? Thanks for sharing.

  7. user-7008421 09/13/2017

    Your gardens are so creative and fun! Love the re-purposing of kitchen items. Your time and effort has paid off royally!

  8. user-7007498 09/13/2017

    I think it is essential that we put our own personal touch in our gardens. You have done a great job with that, Jacquelyn.

    I also love the clematis, as well as the color echo with the tradescantia.

    Thanks for sharing your garden.

  9. user-7008735 09/13/2017

    What fun, Jacquelyn! Did you make the leaf sculpture yourself? It's pretty cool and I love your purple clematis. Thanks for sharing what you've created!

  10. frankgreenhalgh 09/13/2017

    Nice work, Jacquelin. I too like the yellow and purple flower combinations. Cheers from Oz

  11. darylsavage 09/14/2017

    Please share the clematis cultivar. I think I have it, lol.

  12. JoannaAtGinghamGardens 09/14/2017

    I love your "unique garden adornment", but I love your flowers the most. Happy gardening and thanks for sharing.

  13. User avater
    gringopeligroso 09/18/2017

    I see some of these items at Junque Stores and antique shoppes, but your imagination has sparked MY imagination!! I'm just starting to collect outdoor art but already see the benefit of mixing interesting objects in and amongst the foliage and flowers. No watering, no pests, and kinda like an evergreen, always on!!

    I"m envious of your Sundrops. (Oenethera) I scored a few root divisions off of eBay a couple of years ago and the first spring they brightened one of my corners, too! This past spring, they've almost been crowded out by the native Germander. I thinned the natives, and hopefully next Spring, I'll have a display to rival yours!!
    And, can there ever be enough Angels? Or Gargoyles? I think not!!
    Thanx for the inspiration!! jesse

  14. thevioletfern 09/19/2017

    Wonderfully eclectic, I love your creativity! The jello molds add a great coppery sheen to the garden.

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