Garden Photo of the Day

Ornamental Grass Season

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

This time of year, most of the excitement you’ll find in northern gardens comes from blooming ornamental grasses blowing in the breeze. Here are a few shots that illustrate that gorgeously, from a garden designed by Christine Froehlich in northwestern Connecticut. Note the classic companion to fall grasses–the seedheads of the black-eyed Susans!

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais


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View 11 comments


  1. JulieBW 10/14/2011

    Someone said, "grasses create movement in the garden". Nothing else like them, they are great.

  2. gottagarden 10/14/2011

    Such a nice variety of grasses, good mixture of heights and seedheads. Mine are "blooming" now, and I must say they look better in person than in photos.

  3. rosebud2 10/14/2011

    Grasses have turned out to be the most rewarding plants in our garden in terms of effort relative to effect. Beautiful!

  4. diecierose 10/14/2011

    The grasses always add so much rhythm and texture to a garden,
    It would be educational if your could include the names of the grasses(either genus or species or Tm)

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/14/2011

    That's a beautiful composition of grasses. I have become particularly fond of the Miscanthus variety Adagio. It is large enough to make a statement but never gets so tall that it separates and flops over regardless of what it endures weatherwise. Plus, it does not have a tendency to reseed.

  6. DreamGardener 10/14/2011

    Lovely! You can practically Hear them moving!

  7. greenthumblonde 10/14/2011

    I love the sharp square angles juxtaposed to the almost watery texture of the grasses. Maybe it's fall clean-up looming, but for some reason I keep thinking of the poor person who will be cutting down all the tall miscanthus come spring.

  8. MichelleGervais 10/14/2011

    I LOVE cutting back my grasses in the spring! I find it very satisfying. There's nothing complicated about it (unlike pruning shrubs, which terrifies me), and you end up with such tidy mounds waiting to sprout new blades. But I could see how it could get old in this garden!

  9. greengrowler 10/14/2011

    LOVE the Miscanthus! It's a staple in my garden as it does well in a semi-arid climate, yet doesn't get as large (which may be a blessing in disguise!). My favorite variety, although common, is Miscanthus Gracillimus 'Morning Light'. The sea of Rudbeckia seedheads is a fabulous foil for the upright habit - beautiful!

  10. dirt_therapy 10/14/2011

    This is so lovely! My grasses are the joy of my fall garden. Is there a way that I can save some of these beautiful garden pictures to my Fine Gardening member site? If a way exists, would someone please tell me how to do it? If there is not, would the folks at Fine Gardening work on a way to catalog these photos many of us would like to use as future references? I look forward to every morning opening this email to see what I might learn or be inspired by for the day!

  11. sheilaschultz 10/14/2011

    Michelle, I feel the same way. After a winter's rest from gardening, I'm itching to slowly get back to messing with my plants come Spring. Grasses are a wonderful addition to gardens.

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