The Dirt

The furor over school gardens

The idea of school gardens has been much discussed lately. The cause is an article in the Atlantic claiming that school gardens are a waste of time, effort, money, space and everything else.

You can read the article here.

A thoughtful, well-written response is here.

If you’d like to share your thoughts on school gardens or this dust-up, we would love to hear them.

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  1. larryshimokaji 02/11/2010

    A school garden helps the student better understand the concept of the different branches of science and ecology, how water and air interact to grow the food you eat.

    I have worked School gardens, and it support the science standards through the United States

  2. larryshimokaji 02/11/2010

    It is very sad the most of the children in the United States will tell their teachers that food come trom the store and they can nor grab the concept of hoe most of the food they eat come from frams the includes the family farms.

    This is an added posting (My first posting was above February 11, 2010

  3. HarryWilliams 01/14/2021

    Its interesting

  4. CooperSerisier 11/16/2021

    In just a year and a half since Michelle Obama launched her campaign to improve the health and nutrition of children across America, As now individuals can visit to solve their academic tasks easily on time, the first lady has drawn high marks from parents and experts for pushing fruit and vegetable.

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