Garden Photo of the Day

Take a quick trip to Peru with Jeff

living security wall ollyantaytambo peru

A big thanks to Jeff Calton for keeping us entertained with beautiful photos during the winter season.

 "I wanted to show GPODers what can still be had in an area  that receives less than 2 inches of rain per year.  These were taken on one of the first trips to Peru.  No matter where you go in the world there will be gardeners."

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Hey, is anyone going to the Northwest Flower & Garden show? If so, please stop by our booth (in the seminar space) and say hi!

bougainvillea hacienda san jose

casa san jose

hacienda ocucaje

pool hacienda san jose

View 24 comments


  1. jeffgoodearth 02/16/2016

    Big surprise to see these this morning as I had forgotten about sending them in. Peru is a GREAT country for traveling about,,,,,, desert on the west coast then cross the Andes and total Amazonian jungle.

  2. Quiltingmamma 02/16/2016

    As you say, there is always a gardener - somewhere. I remember being very surprised at the oasis in Huachachina with palm trees and lush green around the water source, and to the right, sand boarders and dune buggies. The haciendas do have nice gardens. Nice memories. Thanks.

    1. jeffgoodearth 02/16/2016

      you are the ONLY other person I know who has been to Huacachina,,,,,,,,did you sandboard while there?

      1. Quiltingmamma 02/16/2016

        Sandboard? No. We had already had an eventful day including a visit to a pisco factory BEFORE having lunch at the oasis. We had to taste test 6 or 8 different types of Pisco, and then have a real Pisco Sour. My thoughts were more on getting lunch to absorb the alcohol. I did contemplate a swim before thoughts of a nap overruled....

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/16/2016

    Seeing a literal wall of vibrantly colored bougainvillea is quite a sight. Do you happen to know, Jeff, how the flower cycle works for a plant like that there. Does it stay in bloom for several months and then take a rest or does it stay in constant bloom?

    1. jeffgoodearth 02/16/2016

      I have no idea. I have only ever visited during their winter months (our summer) and it's in flower everywhere

      1. Quiltingmamma 02/16/2016

        I was there in late March/early April 2010. Still a lot of bougainvillea in bloom. These are taken in Nasca area a little south of Ica. You can see the vine climbing up the tree which is entwined with the old windmill. Also the pool shot shows it in various locations including one that has been trimmed to a tree (on the right). Trumpet vines were also in bloom. This hacienda is over 300 years old and spent over 200 as a convent. Some pretty old gardens here as well.

        1. User avater
          meander_michaele 02/16/2016

          Very cool pictures. Looks like it was a very memorable trip.

    2. User avater
      gringopeligroso 02/16/2016

      Meander, Jeff,
      My observations of these plants in the Caribbean is that once established, they cycle in and out of bloom several times a year. Where they do well, many folk will plant more than one variety and while one colour is gettin' ready again, the others will carry the day, with hues generously overlapping on the calendar through out the year.
      That being reported, I must qualify the statement by saying that most of the Caribbean Isles receive more than 2 inches of rain. And, some places a LOT more, of course.

      1. jeffgoodearth 02/16/2016

        living in zone 6b I have zero experience with it. thanks for letting me know!

        1. User avater
          gringopeligroso 02/17/2016

          Sorry, Jeff. No agave....the best I can do is a false agave!! Shot taken across the path from the above photo.

      2. User avater
        meander_michaele 02/16/2016

        Thanks for the extra info, Jesse.

        1. User avater
          gringopeligroso 02/17/2016

          A clipped hedge of orange, purple, and red Bogies. While not my "style," at least one and typically all three would be blooming when I went to work there. (Exumas)

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 02/17/2016

            Looks like a garden of paradise kind of place to have worked during some part of your life. Hope you have good memories of it certainly have some great pictures.

    3. perenniallycrazy 02/18/2016

      They bloom all year round. Never lose their leaves. They thrive on any kind of soil. We had them everywhere in the Philippines.

  4. sheila_schultz 02/16/2016

    Thanks Jeff, your photos bring back lovely memories! Peru is such a beautiful country, I'd go back in a nanosecond. I feel the same way about Ecuador... even though Jim thought I was trying to kill him when we spent time in the intense heat and humidity of the rain forest bordering Peru! Ha!

    1. jeffgoodearth 02/16/2016

      Ecuador is wonderful as well. I could very easily and comfortably live in Cuenca

  5. wGardens 02/16/2016

    I have friends that visit Peru periodically - they just love it there. Your photos are beautiful, as always, Jeff! The bougainvillea is quite impressive! And your first shot is especially intriguing~ Thanks for sharing!

    1. jeffgoodearth 02/16/2016

      I love it there as well but it can be a real adventure traveling about if you go off the beaten path

  6. greengenes 02/16/2016

    Wow! Great photos and it makes me want to pack my bags! This is a country worth exploring! Thanks for sharing......

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/16/2016

    I had no idea you were such a world traveler! Thanks for sharing these, as I prefer to stay on this continent. I do enjoy traveling vicariously!

    1. eddireid 02/16/2016

      Definitely don't let your children move abroad or you'll be lost, Tim.

  8. eddireid 02/16/2016

    Bougainvillea is one of my favorite plants. We honeymooned in the Greek Islands which prompted a statement from me that I would refuse to live anywhere that I could not grow it! So far, so good, although it's in pots in Ohio!
    In Florida it grows outside like a weed, but it doesn't like too much water and does like lots of food. I'm a happy gardener.
    Thank you Jeff for the great photos.

  9. perenniallycrazy 02/18/2016

    This is too short of a trip to take. Wish you had more pictures to share!

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