Garden Photo of the Day

Stunning Blooms in the Deep South

By Kim Charles

DeAnna Cobb of Mobile, Alabama shows us her dream has become a reality. 

"I grew up in a nice neighborhood on the gulf coast, but our house was on a lot mostly devoid of trees and shrubs, as the soil was once salty dredged mud from a marsh.  Nothing but weeds liked those growing conditions. Despite various attempts at tree and shrub planting, the yard remained mainly grass.  The one decent sized tree in the backyard was blown over by a hurricane.  So, as a nature child at heart, I always treasured the time I spent at my grandparents as both sets lived on tree covered lots, with an abundance of flowers and assorted birds, butterflies, rabbits, etc.  My dream was to have a similar yard one day.  Fast forward a few decades and my husband and I have settled in a neighborhood which reminds me greatly of my maternal grandparent's.  The former owner of our house must have loved gardening too.  We are fortunate to have well established camellias, azaleas, one of the biggest Japanese magnolias I've ever seen, and other odds and ends of plants suited to the deep south.  The first year here I was pleasantly surprised to find I now had several plants I always wanted, such as flame lily and oak leaf hydrangea.  I am slowly adding to the living treasures planted here and hope the next occupants of our house enjoy it as much as we have."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Email 5-10 photos and a brief story about your garden to [email protected]. Please include where you are located!

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View 13 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/05/2016

    Gosh, DeAnna, you're not only a talented gardener but a very gifted photographer. Your photos are beautiful and the images of the the first and second will stay with me for a while. I loved your story and how you recognized, even as little girl, that being surrounded by trees and other kinds of plants fulfilled something within you. It's so wonderful that you now have a place that you are literally and figuratively putting down roots in fertile soil and your visions are becoming reality.

  2. Doxnmomx2 10/05/2016

    I used to live in Mobile and love seeing your beautiful photos. I'm in Baton Rouge so happy to see some of our Southern treasures to offset my peony envy.

  3. user-4691082 10/05/2016

    DeAnna, I am so glad you received a gift that keeps on giving! I love your attitude about passing it along! I agree with Michaele that you are a gifted photographer. I really enjoyed your photos and will look at them over and over. I didn't know dragonflies would sit still long enough to be photographed! Please send more photos of your yard at a distance!

  4. Chris_N 10/05/2016

    All very nice. The photo of the dragonfly on the hibiscus is arresting. It must have been great to find a place that already has such wonderful bones. Now we need some photos of your trees and garden in general!

  5. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/05/2016

    I love zinnias and those of us living in the deep south appreciate that they are the gift that keeps on giving. You can let them reseed or pull them up whichever is your preference. My mom always let hers reseed so that is what I do as well.

  6. greengenes 10/05/2016

    Hi DeAnna... I so enjoyed your life story and Iam so glad you have a place to garden! Your pictures are very lovely! Thanks for sharing with us! We look forward to seeing more!

  7. sheila_schultz 10/05/2016

    Your words describing the love you have had in your heart for nature since you were a child will stay with me long after this post is gone, DeAnna. Their beauty is only surpassed by your skill as a photographer. I have no doubt that when it is time for you to move, your gardens will draw in new owners that will feel your passion.

  8. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/05/2016

    I, too, am impressed by your photos and great plants. I'm so happy for you that you have inherited treasures to love and appreciate, as well as a home to make your gardening mark with plants that you love. Thanks for sharing your great story and beautiful photos.

  9. GrannyCC 10/05/2016

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful garden and photos. Glad you found a place to fulfill
    your dreams.

  10. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 10/05/2016

    DeAnna, your story makes me happy because I love to think that there are many young people out there that will enjoy gardening due to the influence of a parent or grandparent. Your photos show that you're gifted in more ways than growing plants and leave me wanting more. Thanks for sharing.

  11. schatzi 10/05/2016

    Love the dragonfly shot and the very artistic photo of the camellia flower. Beautiful. Glad you finally have a lovely garden to 'play' in.

  12. user-7007498 10/05/2016

    DeAnna, thanks for sharing your story. Those who come after you, will appreciate the work you have done. I love the photo of the camellia against the backdrop of the old wooden fence. Love the zinnias. Such a great old fashioned flower.

  13. eddireid 10/05/2016

    Not only do they sit still I can personally verify that they listen intently and turn their head to concentrate on one's face and speech! Tis true for I have had a (one sided) conversation with a splendid fellow dressed in green! Magical, as gardens and their occupants always are.
    DeAnna, your garden is very clearly beautiful and magical and loved.
    I love the camellia photo and your careful camera positioning. Thank you. More, please!

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