Garden Photo of the Day

Spring is Alive and Well in Kathy’s Indiana Garden

This is my shade garden under an oak tree. In front in creeping phlox with Angelina seedum, and creeping Jenny. In the middle are various hostas, coral bells and Jack Frost brunnera; with random columbines and Limelight hydrangea in back.

Today Kathy Heusmann shares some lovely spring views of her Saint John, Indiana garden. She gets extra credit for identifying the plants in her photos (thanks Kathy!).

"Hi, I would like to share some of my spring pics with readers – see descriptions of each photo below!"

Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and the story behind your garden to [email protected].

Purple iris and columbine, with blue bachelor button behind the wheel.
Orange and yellow columbines behind hostas, and my favorite Carmel Coral Bells.
In the corner is a viburnum with white iris, hostas and day lilies. Nelly moser clematis on trellis with hosta, coral bells, Angelina seedum, columbines. There were purple, pink and white tulips bloom in but they are done now.

View 15 comments


  1. user-7007140 06/04/2015

    I love the oak tree shade garden with the little frog peeking out in front of the hosta. Your color combinations are so pretty and fresh against the pale fencing. Thank you for sharing your garden, Kay.

  2. GrannyCC 06/04/2015

    Enjoyed all the lovely purples with the old wagon wheel. Also the great shade garden. Not an easy feat under an oak tree.

  3. digginWA 06/04/2015

    You have a very appealing color palette. Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/04/2015

    Kathy, you have some wonderful plant combinations but... I have to confess that I am particularly intrigued by the metal trellis your lovely clematis is growing on. I even went to my phone screen so I could enlarge it and confirm that it seems to have a musical theme. Am I right about that? Did you have it custom designed? I have never seen such an artistic trellis...very cool.

  5. GrannyMay 06/04/2015

    Thank you Kathy! I never tire of seeing how spring looks in other gardens, near and far. You have a lot of my favourite shrubs and flowers and at least one plant that has been on my wish list forever, yet never gets into my shopping cart for some reason. That is a Viburnum plicatum 'Summer Snowflake', which I think is the viburnum in the corner. Are you happy with it?

    1. NWAgardener 06/04/2015

      GrannyMay - I have a 'Summer Snowflake' Viburum that's been in the ground for three years. It was a little slow growing the first two years, but is taking off now. It's an extremely low maintenance plant and it blooms all summer long. That makes it a winner in my book! I have, in fact, just added a new one in a different bed.

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/04/2015

    Looks great, Kathy. Love the old hand plow in the flower bed. I remember using one of those when I was a kid helping my parents in their vegetable garden. You've got two of my favorite go-to plants, too: Sedum "Angelina" and Heuchera "Caramel". Thanks for contributing.

  7. NWAgardener 06/04/2015

    Kathy - I, too, love your plant combinations and garden accessories. It seems like such a happy place!

  8. ILfarmersdaughter 06/04/2015

    Love your garden Kathy. The Carmel Coral Bells are one of my favorites I see in your garden. I need to buy some of those. And I love the old fashioned cultivator and wagon wheel. They are nice added touches. My mom used to use the same type of cultivator many years ago. I bet the tulips were gorgeous too. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Nurserynotnordstroms 06/04/2015

    Kathy I love the irises they remind me of my Grandma Do your columbines seed around a little? I love how they seem to fill some areas with a hint of color and great texture.

  10. VikkiVA 06/04/2015

    Lovely color combinations Kathy and I really like how you have edged your beds. The white iris planted with the white blooming viburnum looks great against the white fence. I have the same caramel Heuchera, however I believe mine was labeled "Cream Brulee." It is one of my most loved perennials. Your hosta on "steroids" in the last photo is amazing. Vikki in VA.

  11. user-7007327 06/04/2015

    Love your color combinations and what a unique "musical" garden with conductor clematis.

  12. MNGardenGirl 06/05/2015

    Love your garden pictures. Thanks for sharing! I am a misplaced Hoosier, now in Minnesota.

  13. Cenepk10 06/17/2015

    Looking so pretty in your garden !!! Can't wait to see the progression into summer & fall !

  14. Cenepk10 06/17/2015

    Now how in the world are you able to have such a gorgeous garden under an oak ? I can't even grow English ivy under mine - or anything in the vicinity...

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