Garden Photo of the Day

Splendid Color in the Scottish Highlands

By Kim Charles

Morag McCloy is showcasing bright blooms on the northeast coast of Scotland.

"My garden is in Inverness, Scotland.  I love my garden and pottering around in it.  I was given a blank canvas when we moved into our house twelve years ago, with nothing in the garden, so I started ……"

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View 3 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 09/15/2016

    Hello there Morag, from Australia - Great to hear from the McCloy clan in lovely Inverness. Your flowers are certainly putting on a show. I can recall the fantastic hanging baskets of flowers in your city some time ago, and it looks like your pansies are in such a container. It would be lovely to see some photos with wider views of your garden to fully appreciate the results of your hard work. That bumblebee seems to be enjoying itself. We don't have them in the mainland States of Australia (they are in the island State of Tasmania), and biosecurity agencies are keen to prevent them entering the mainland. Cheers from Oz

    1. User avater
      treasuresmom 09/15/2016

      Frank, why aren't bumblebees wanted in Australia?

      1. frankgreenhalgh 09/15/2016

        Hi treasuresmom - it is claimed that bumblebees would compete for nectar with native nectar feeders; and that they are inefficient pollinators of native flora, but more efficient pollinators of exotic weeds which are currently not widespread i.e. environmental reasons.

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