Garden Photo of the Day

Snow in South Carolina

Although it is rare – and brief – it happens

Today’s GPOD comes from Patty Eckles:
We had just moved to Charleston, SC in 2007 from Maryland to get away from the snow. I couldn’t believe my eyes in 2010 when I looked out and saw snowflakes! And then it accumulated! I said, “Oh no! we didn’t move down here for this”! but that evening, we went out on our porch and heard children in our neighborhood laughing and having a great time in the snow. I am supposing some of them never saw snow before (don’t know if Charleston ever had a snow before 2010). The next morning in yards there were the tiniest snowmen that I have ever seen. By noon, when the sun came out, the snow was all gone, to the disappointment of people that work because everything shuts down here as no one has snow tires and no one knows how to drive in it.

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View 15 comments


  1. user-7007498 12/19/2017

    Good morning, Patty. Thanks for showing the pictures of the storm in Charleston. It looks really cool to see snow covering the Sabal palms.

  2. Maggieat11 12/19/2017

    Your photos are beautiful!

  3. NCYarden 12/19/2017

    Sweet...unexpected snow scenes!

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/19/2017

    Hi, Patty, I enjoyed reading the recollections about your snowy surprise...hearing the spontaneous and joy filled laughter of children makes most everything seem better, doesn't it. I'll bet the tiny snowmen were adorable.

  5. Cenepk10 12/19/2017

    Ah. Snow. Just say no. Pretty pics you shared. Fun.

  6. tennisluv 12/19/2017

    Patty, you have captured the essence of southern snow in the pictures you shared. Growing up in south Georgia my one and only childhood snow was 1/2 inch when I was 10 and it was absolutely amazing. Snow comes lightly, even in the more northern part of the state where I now live, only once or twice a year and is an event to be savored even by adults. Larger amounts (anything over 3 inches) cripple large cities, AKA Atlanta (even the transplant Yankees forget how to drive,) and we all hunker down for days. Snow on plants and trees transports our world making them mystical and magical. Thanks for sharing as I did not get any photos during our unusual snow event a week ago.

  7. Sunshine111 12/19/2017

    It’s interesting how something we New Englanders take for granted, is so delightful elsewhere!

  8. sheila_schultz 12/19/2017

    Stunning photos wrapped with fond memories... thank you Patty for this unexpected gift!

  9. anitaberlanga 12/19/2017

    what lovely, evocative photos! Living in IL we see a LOT of snow, so the bloom is completely off that rose (though the first 'real' snowfall is magical, I admit) - but seeing snow on palm trees is charming!

  10. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 12/19/2017

    Good morning Patty. Thanks for the nice story and beautiful photos. As I told Kevin yesterday, this is the only way that I want to see snow, in other people’s photos:)

  11. user-4691082 12/19/2017

    Thanks Patty! Even our 3 inches from Saturday is gone. It’s 55 degrees! Actually, I like snow! Santa, please deliver more snow for the weekend! Yippee!

  12. cheryl_c 12/19/2017

    Hi, Patty, We're still awaiting our first snowfall - we always have a fire in the fireplace and a glass of red wine to celebrate our first one of the year. We loved your pictures - although snow on palms is a bit jarring to us! Thanks for sharing! I especially liked the second and third pictures with the snow turning the fine branches into lacework!

  13. user-7008735 12/19/2017

    Wow! Snowy palm trees is unexpected but pretty. I'm regretting that I said anything yesterday about how rarely it snows in Vancouver because it's coming down in great fluffy flakes today! We do have a few palm trees growing along English Bay on the edge of downtown Vancouver, but I won't be going to see them today; my appointment to get the snow tires put on my car is this afternoon. Oops! I love those snow-limned branches in your second and third photos, Patty! Beautiful -- and perhaps more lovely for being fleeting.

  14. perenniallycrazy 12/21/2017

    Pretty but it is odd and cool at the same time to see snow on palm trees.

  15. user-6536305 12/21/2017

    It is so interesting to see the palm trees are covered with snow. Thanks for sharing.

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