Garden Photo of the Day

Show Us Your Pumpkins!!

funny pumpkin display
Photo/Illustration: Rob Wotzak

OK, so, Halloween is coming up and we wanna see what you’re doing with your pumpkins. This year, how about a botanical theme? (Not that this holiday display created by Tom and Jeannie Tremont, a few blocks from my house, isn’t a winner…ha!)

Whether you want to show off your kids’ carvings or some autumn containers adorned with gourds, we would love to see how you’re celebrating the season. Please send all photos (or videos!) to [email protected].

funny pumpkin display
Photo: Rob Wotzak

pumpkin people
Photo: Rob Wotzak


View 4 comments


  1. JulieBW 10/24/2011

    Very clever and cute pumpkin butts!

  2. Vespasia 10/24/2011

    So funny, I've sent the pictures on to my grandsons (all four of them) they'll love them!

  3. bamboomary 10/24/2011

    These are great, can't believe there aren't more comments and thumbs up!

  4. soilgoil 10/25/2011

    I've seen better pumpkin butts, but not on bikes! I also really like the mama and baby. There's something about pumpkins that makes everyone smile, even when they're not posing as people.

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