Garden Photo of the Day

Revisiting Maurizio’s garden in Italy

We visited Maurizio D'Annibale's garden in Italy just a little over a year ago (HERE), and we were all wowed by it. Maurizio's name popped up in my inbox again last week, to my surprise and delight! He is a man of few words…he simply says, "Le invio altre foto del mio giardino scattate in periodi diversi. Saluti." Google Translate: "I send more photos of my garden taken in different periods. Greetings." Yes, still gorgeous, Maurizio! Send in as many photos as you'd like…

Come and meet up at the  Northwest Flower and Garden Show this year!

I'm scheduled to give another GPOD talk (A few of you will be getting emails in the next two weeks as I put together the slideshow…), and a number of people have emailed to say that they'll be at the show, and that they'd love to meet up with a bunch of fellow GPODers!

The RSVPs so far:

Glenda Curdy (Nurserynotnordstrom)
May Kald (GrannyMay) – tentative
Catherine Campbell (CrannyCC) – tentative
Tia Scarce
Jeanne Cronce (Greengenes)
Sheila Schultz
Shirley Graves
Chris Niblack (ChrisSeattle)


So…who else is going to be there?? Let us all know in the comments, and we can start planning an outing! Perhaps after-dinner drinks one night at the bar at the Sheraton?  I'll repeat this announcement for the next week or so, at least, and keep a running list of who's coming….enticement for even more people to come. Oh, and when you comment to say you'll be there, give us your real name so that I can plan name tags that include both that and your screen name…

 <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <– <–


And as always, SEND ME PICS OF YOUR GARDEN, OR A GARDEN YOU'VE VISITED! Email me at [email protected]. Thanks! –Michelle

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And last but not least,
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View 13 comments


  1. Jay_Sifford 12/29/2014


  2. GrannyMay 12/29/2014

    You keep your garden very well-manicured! How lovely to see all the plants that we can only dream about. Thank you for sharing, Maurizio.

  3. GrannyCC 12/29/2014

    Beautiful Maurizio Lovely to see all warm colours of Italy.

  4. greengenes 12/29/2014

    Very nice to see, Maurizio! I can feel the sun through your pictures. Thanks for sharing with us all! Happy New Year to you!

  5. user-7007327 12/29/2014

    Adore i colori e la forma rotonda dei vostri cespugli. Molto caldo e invitante.
    Love the colors and the round shape of your bushes. Very warm and inviting.

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/29/2014

    Maurizio, your garden has so much to appreciate and admire...gracefully curving bed lines, healthy lush plants and wonderful pops of color. Everything looks impeccably maintained by loving and knowledgeable hands.

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/29/2014

    Beautiful. It's great to see more of the garden. The lawn looks like a smooth river with it's banks overrun with great plants!

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 12/29/2014

      Love that imagery, Tim...the holidays have brought out the poet in you!

  8. Cenepk10 12/29/2014


  9. Nurserynotnordstroms 12/29/2014

    Beautiful,and so perfectly landscaped a walk around your garden would be so enjoyable. A glass of wine a stroll would be perfect.

  10. perenniallycrazy 12/29/2014

    Gorgeous sprawling tropical landscapes - really brings me back to my childhood where you can sit and play outside all year round. Thanks for sharing again Maurizio.

  11. debralacy 12/30/2014

    That double rainbow as a backdrop is too cool!

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