Garden Photo of the Day

Remarkable Roses

Martha M. Bosma shows off her breathtaking rose garden.

"Hi – you posted pictures of a garden that we made at my mom's house in October of 2013.  I thought I would update you on this garden, mainly the fantastic roses this year!  Whether it's the torrential rain we had in the winter or the unusually warm spring, the roses are fabulous this year!"

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Here is the arbor from the same long view as last time, and one view from the street.

And here is a street view of the arbor.

Here is a view of a pair of chairs right behind the arbor where mom likes to sit.  It is the only grass left at either house!  The rose growing on the porch is Westerland, with fabulous colors.

A closeup of Brother Cadfael, a rose growing on her house.  The pink rose in the other photos is climbing Eden, a truly wonderful rose.

A close up and full shot of climbing Eden.

And in the shadier part of the front garden, a shot of our native Douglas Iris and a corydalis.

Close up shot of a westerland rose.

View 22 comments


  1. user-7007498 06/02/2016

    Martha: you have worked on a lovely garden for your mother. Hopefully you get to share time with her amongst the beautiful roses. I love the blue seating area. There is something about blue chairs and accents in the garden that look so cool. Thanks for sharing.

  2. tree_ee 06/02/2016

    Those are the healthiest looking roses I've ever seen!

  3. wGardens 06/02/2016

    Indeed! A fabulous rose garden for your mother~ and countless others, to enjoy!

  4. frankgreenhalgh 06/02/2016

    Nice work Martha. Hope you and your mom sit on those chairs and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

  5. NCYarden 06/02/2016

    Most impressive. Beautiful blooms abound.

  6. user-4691082 06/02/2016

    Do you spray? Those leaves are perfect! Thanks for the beautiful photos!

  7. grannieannie1 06/02/2016

    Which ones are the most fragrant would you say?
    The Westerland has such a lively color, just beautiful!

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/02/2016

    What a lovely way to show your mother how much you love her. This truly is a gift that keeps giving. Your selection of roses is just beautiful and I'm guessing that they all have wonderful fragrances. The street view of the arbor looks like a flower celebration and, surely, must stop traffic on occasion. And, by the way, the arbor structure, itself, is very handsome and looks so well made. Was it constructed by a family member?

    1. digginWA 06/02/2016

      That street view is a gift to the neighborhood. I agree--it looks so nicely done!

    2. martibos 06/03/2016

      The Eden and Westerland have wonderful fragrances, which add to their charm. The arbor was made by my husband, and continues in front of both houses. The first year of the garden (2013), we mulched with cocoa hulls from a local chocolate factory, maybe that's why the roses are so crazy! I don't spray at all, and there is some blackspot, but I'm OK living with that. I'm glad you all enjoyed the roses, we have also. Just had the 98 Birthday party for mom 2 weeks ago, it was really fun!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 06/03/2016

        98th wonderful and special! Your mom is muchly blessed to have her family members so close at hand and such an involved part of her life. Your husband does admirable carpentry work...that arbor is a beauty.

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/02/2016

    I've often said I don't grow roses, but boy oh boy, I would love to be around those beautiful flowers. How stunning. Like Kevin, I was totally drawn to the blue chairs and table. It is a great color and is a great focal point and probably a better place to sit! Love your Iris and Corydalis combo. Thanks for the update.

  10. user-7007960 06/02/2016

    "Everything is coming up Roses.," Your medley and melody are a tribute to your Mother and your gift! The scent must be delightful! Beautiful. Thx for sharing. My vote goes for the Blue Trio also..... Charm galore.

  11. wittyone 06/02/2016

    Oh, I remember the post about your Mom's garden and all the work that you and your family did to ready the house and yard for her. It looks absolutely gorgeous and what a great place to sit out on the one patch of grass available and enjoy the feast of roses.

  12. GrannyMay 06/02/2016

    Martha, that rose arbour smothered in gorgeous roses is stunning! What a wonderful place for your mom to enjoy the beauty and the fragrance of these roses.

  13. user-3565112 06/02/2016

    I hope you & your family enjoy many years with you Mom in the rose gardens you've created for her. The plants are beautifully arranged maintained & photographed. Thank you for sharing this with us today. Good luck, Joe

  14. norahssemloh 06/02/2016

    Oh my, how lovely. My roses are shaking their fists at all the rain!

  15. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 06/02/2016

    Martha, what a great tribute to your mom. She must love sitting in those charming chairs taking in the scent and beauty of those roses. Great photos.

  16. schatzi 06/02/2016

    I don't grow roses either, but this makes me wish I did. Gorgeous! Hard to pick a favorite, but Westerland and Brother Cadfael are super beautiful. Great job. Enjoy.

  17. Cenepk10 06/02/2016

    Ohhhhh. Roses !!!!! My favorite!!!! On the 3rd flush over here. You put lovely roses at Mom's....Magnificent!!!!

  18. user-7008113 06/06/2016


  19. keith_stiles 06/08/2016

    Absolutely gorgeous.

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