Garden Photo of the Day

Things are Hopping in Tennessee

Chionanthus virginicus and A. palmatum dissectum Inaba Shidare

There's more to Jeff than skulls and relics. Enjoy the softer side.

"I didn't want you guys to think that everything I did had to include a skull and some rusty relic. There are traditional flowers (and not so traditional) and lots of color throughout the yard at home as well as on client properties. Things are hoppin'! P.S.  but I DO love skulls and rusty relics."

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Chionanthus virginicus at Rotherwood

Clematis NOID

Columbine seedling volunteer

first peony of the season

patio view to south lawn



View 40 comments


  1. diane_lasauce 05/09/2016

    Lovely. I have the same peony that was gifted to me. Do happen to know the name?

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      no clue. it was here when we moved in 25 years ago

      1. diane_lasauce 05/09/2016

        I have six of them, part of 24 heirloom peony plants. I suspect mine are 50+ old, as they came from my home place on LI. I now garden in central VA.

        1. user-5117752 05/09/2016

          Where ever did you find that fabulous yellow pot?!!!! Watch out! One day I may just have to have it!!! I loved your sculls and found object and what you did with them!

          1. user-5117752 05/09/2016

            Sorry, I'm new to this. I replied to Diane and it should have been to Jeff.

          2. User avater
  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/09/2016

    Love your photo that captures the delicate tangling blossoms of the fringe tree highlighted against the dark elves of the Japanese maple. The perfect way to appreciate both garden stars. Does the Chionanthus virginicus have showy fall color? And, of course, I'm a fan of your bright yellow tentacle pot...gotta' have a little hint of Jeff whimsy to start the day with a smile.

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      Mike, the Chionanthus has little to no fall color. some years I might get a little yellow but most often they just turn brown and fall off

  3. user-3565112 05/09/2016

    Your Fringe tree in bloom next to the is Japanese maple makes a beautiful scene. I have had good luck with a Tokyo Tower fringe tree but I can't grow a Japanese maple to save me. What is the secret ? All of your trees look healthy but those 2 at this time of year standout. Goo dluck, Joe

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      I don't know what a Tokyo Tower is,,,,,,,,,,,,,i gotta use "the google"

      1. user-3565112 05/10/2016

        The tree is chionanthus retusus Tokyo Tower. It's in my last post just to the right of the purple & white azaleas & is now in flower.

  4. greengenes 05/09/2016

    Wonderful pictures today! You have so much to show and share, Jeff. I love the chionathus tree! I wish mine looked as good. I think i bought a sick one. The mock orange is beautiful and those sarresinias are so awsome! Spring has finally arrived in your neck of the woods!

  5. wGardens 05/09/2016

    Love your photos, Jeff. I also have 2 Chionanthus virginicus and they are faves. And I certainly "ooh and ah" over your Sarresinias! Interesting garden art with your "lighting project"! Love your creativity!

  6. sheila_schultz 05/09/2016

    Mornin' Jeff, are you sure it's not summer in TN? it seems like you have already been gardening for months and all I've been doing is my spring clean! Your trees, shrubs and blooms are softly beautiful, and I can hardly believe your Sarracenia are so tall! Thanks for a perfect start to the week... have a good one, everyone!

  7. Chris_N 05/09/2016

    Always great stuff. Love the pitcher plants (and everything else.)

  8. user-4691082 05/09/2016

    I've always wanted a mock orange...does it smell heavenly? Is the fringe tree fragrant? I love all the photos. What are the red and blue balls in the chandelier picture? Very intriguing!

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      the mock orange smells wonderful as does the fringe tree. calycanthus is also in flower so the entire yard is perfumed by something

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/09/2016

    Great shots, Jeff. Everything is looking good. The Sarracenia and their super cool flowers really grab me. Great shot, interesting plants, I'm full of envy. I bought some small Sarracenia last year and only one seems to be coming back, but I'm not giving up!
    Thanks for the inspiration this morning.

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      the sarracenia are one of my favorite plants in the garden. I always expect Will Robinson and Dr. Smith to show up when they flower

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/09/2016

        Well, I guess there *is* danger there, at least for some bugs!

  10. cynthiamccain 05/09/2016

    Beautiful, as always, Jeff!

  11. user-7007960 05/09/2016

    Is your Sarracenia near water or wet ground? Luv the mock orange! I have a small one, that I am babying. Fungus appears, so I thinned out middle, and use copper solution. Hope for growth like yours! Thx for the beaut

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      they are growing in a bathtub I sunk into the bed

      1. user-7007960 05/09/2016

        Wow, ingenious!

    2. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      the glass balls are those things they sell to "water" your plants. I do not use them for that I just use them to bling things up

  12. schatzi 05/09/2016

    Beautiful, Jeff. Love the peony and everything else. Happy Spring!

  13. GrannyCC 05/09/2016

    Aw Spring! isn't it wonderful. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with us Jeff. I love the skulls and rusty relics too!! My 7 year old Grandson overwintered his Sarracenia in a large metal bath and they are starting to bloom. We live near Victoria, B.C.

  14. user-7007960 05/09/2016

    Rhonda.... It looks like the red and blue balls are miniature "looking glass". Balls. I saw them at Lowes.... Pretty!!

  15. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 05/09/2016

    Beautiful photos, Jeff. I envy you for being able to grow Chionanthus virginicus. We had one in WI in a very protected area and it survived and even bloomed but never got to be more than a shrub. We may have to introduce one to our PNW garden. They're so delicate looking. Do you have your Sarracenia in a dry bed? Thanks for this glimpse into your spring garden.

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      Linda, the Sarracenia are growing in a "mini bog" I sunk a bathtub and filled with peat

      1. User avater
        LindaonWhidbey 05/10/2016

        How clever.

  16. annek 05/09/2016

    Gorgeous Jeff. You are such a gardening inspiration, but you're costing me money. Seems like I have to go out and buy one (or three) of your specimens every time you post! But I'm not complaining....I love it

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      keep spending money, it's good therapy

  17. anitaberlanga 05/09/2016

    what a gorgeous garden!

  18. GrannyMay 05/09/2016

    Always love your garden photos, Jeff, no matter what is featured. Thank heavens I already have sarracenia and have no room for any more trees! My pocketbook is safe, for now!

    1. jeffgoodearth 05/09/2016

      i'm betting you could still shoehorn one more small tree in there somewhere :)

  19. janeeliz 05/10/2016

    WOW! Lovely photos of a very different kind...esp. love that romantic. Never saw a columbine quite that color...beautiful. Marvelous stand of sarracenia-is that at your house? You are filled with surprises!

  20. perenniallycrazy 05/10/2016

    Swooning over your magnificent spring garden Jeff. Your garden definitely has everything!

  21. user-7008037 05/12/2016

    These pictures are beautiful, Jeff! I especially love your clematis :-)

  22. [email protected] 06/21/2016

    Hi. Beautiful gardens! Where did you find the trellis that the Clematis NO ID is growing on?

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